Chapter 11

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A year has passed bonten was born a organization of disaster and crimes

You where the trusted dog of bonten as the police view but in mikey's eyes you where the jewel of bonten his treasure

You where now watching as mikey went to sleep both of you where being haunted by your friends deaths

You now patted his head and stood up going out you went to the roof top o ft he mansion and smoked

"m/n someone called out and you turned to koko" oh hey"you said and started smoking again

"you never show your face nor come and eat breakfast with us Why's that?"

"im always busy koko and you know that"

"no your just scared that's why" he said you could only huff "so what?"

"get out of your shell of fear and come"

"shut up" you said and finish smoking and was about to walk away

"i have a job for you m/n" koko said and you turned to him "what?"
"i need you to kill this man and out company will bug free"

"isn't that sanzu's job?"

"nope this one's fights back" koko said with a smirk and you took the picture and it's file as you silently read "alright" you said and walked out


You now went to his house as he was sleeping and you got your gun ready and knocked on his bedroom door

The man was cautious and got out a gun as well as his wife hid on the closet

You pointed the gun where you predicted his head will be and when the door opened you shoot as the guy's body dropped to the ground

Blood splattered on your face and clothes you went inside the roon and checked the file "where's his wife" you muttered and looked under the bed no one

You soon hummed and walked around you then looked at the bathroom no one and walked around again

You then went to the closet and opened it harshly as a scream was heard and you shot his wife

You now went to the bathroom and cleaned your self and thats when a cry could be heard you popped your hea dout of the bathroom as you saw a kid

You raised a brow and checked the file "there's no info about him"

"mama papa!!" the kid cried out and you got out the bathroom as the kid backed away

You reached your hand out to him "im your father's friend" you said and the kid looked at you in horror "no papa doesn't have a friend liek you!!" he shouted "no he has and I'll show it to you" you said in a bored tone and the kid cried more "mama papa!!" he cried out

You rubbed your head sighing and took the kid "look kid from now on in your uncle" you said and went out of their house

As you brought the kid back to the mansion as it was already dawn koko and the others where having breakfast and they saw you with the kid

"woah m/n did you impregnated a girl" takeomi said and you glared his way "no unfortunately koko's information was blank on this kid" koko choked

"what all the info was there!!" he shouted sanzu soon took a look at the kid "wait i saw this kid"

"oh how?" you said in your bored tone

"this is the son of the gin six company in the underworld dudeee you kidnapped him? Wow im proud" you glared his way

"no i didn't this kid was already in the house to begin with and he called the guy i killed" papa"" you said rolling your eyes

" wait" kakucho said he then went to the kid you where carrying and opened his mouth as the kid flail around screaming "kakucho what the hell dude!" you shouted

Kakucho ripped out a tooth and revealed a mic along with a recording

You soon grit your teeth and glared at the kid "this kids a spy" kakucho said and you grunted "you brat" you said and got out your gun and was about to shoot him but mikey stopped you

"that's enough" he says and took the kid "I'll take care of this" he said and walked to his room you looked the other way

"kakucho" you called out "what"

"give me my muzzle" sanzu sucked in air at this "ohh m/n's mad" takeomi said koko rubbed his forehead

You went out and went to the underworld.

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