Chapter 14

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"seriously?" you said with gritted teeth "yes you are forbidden to go to missions now go to your room and reflect with your mistakes!" mikey shouted your way

~What happened~

You sanzu ran and rindou where just walking down the streets of roponggi this was rin's and ran's domain you could do anything here you where on the roof of ran's bar as you where smoking

A girl with a foxes skin on her shoylders approached you as she tapped your back you turned to her with a bored look "what?" you said "are you perhaps m/n sano?"

"yeah so what?" you said and turned to smoke again

"im belle anueve im one of the daughters of your business partners i was hoping if you could be my date on this upcoming honor event?" she said with a smile "i dont want to be associated with your whore ass i know everything about your family and how you slept with every men you think is fine to sleep with so get the fuck out of my way and go sleep with other bastards"

"you're so mean hmph" she pouted "don't give a fuck get out" you said and lit another cigarette "oh come on i know you like girls with big boobs" she said leaning on you pressing her melons on your back

"come on~" she said whispering on your ear "woman i prefer men with big ass and pecs" you said and turned to her she soon pouted "so your gay pft that's so eww" she said and you soon grabbed her chin "and for a whore to say that. That's what i call criticism" you said and blew smoke on her face

"now tell me how do you want to die?" you asked with a psychopathic face she soon gasped and you got out your gun "i don't care if your one of our daughters business partners i can kill your mother and be on my way mikey won't be mad he'll just say its an accident" you said to her and she soon cried looking at the gon on her head

You soon smirk "now choose death or life!" you said

She was about to scream but you already shot her

And after the others heard the gun shot they saw you

And back to mikey screaming at you

"go back to your room and reflect on what your mistakes are!" he shouted you soon looked at him "fine then" you said and gone out his office slamming the door shut and went to your room

Mikey rubbed his head and looked at his office window

Koko along with kakucho went inside "mikey don't you think you where a little harsh to him?" kakucho said "no, i wasn't he deserved it" mikey said "actually the anueve corporation was becoming corrupt m/n did a good job though and i side with kakucho you were harsh" he said and mikey soon groaned

"go apologise mikey" takeomi said coming in  "who gave you all the right to speak to me like this huh?!" he shouted at them and they all sighed going out


You where now with leonardo as he was sitting on your bed "m/n whats wrong?" he asked

"just got into a fight with my cousin his too worked up on some small things like business partner's daughters they're whores to begin with" you said laying down on his lap

You soon reached your hand out to his cheek "ni kaero what would you do if i were to die?" you asked with a smirk "with that smirk on you no i wouldn't worry a thing"

"ouch that hurts my heart" you said with a fake hurt expression "shut up" he said and you chuckled "im glad you listen to me kaero"

"its leonardo" he said and you hummed

You soon sat up and leaned on him as your cold body pressed on his warm one "your so warm kaero" you said and he soon shivered "why are you so cold!" he shouted you could only chuckle "dunno i was born cold" you said and leonardo grit his teeth and you soon took his hand and put it on your head "pat my head like you always do"

You said and he soon patted your head and you closed your eyes as your breathing became slow

Tears running down your cheeks leonardo was surprised

'his a cold blooded killer but he might have a harsh past' leo thought and soon hugged you as your cold body was exposed to his warmth 'his like a coprse' leo thought and sighed he soon laid you down as he saw tears running down your cheeks

He sighed and patted your head kissing your forehead and for the first time he saw a small smile on you his heart skipped seeing the small smile

And gulped getting up and walked to the door he soon was met with koko kakucho and mikey

"is he sleeping?" mikey asked and leo nodded mikey nodded as well and they all entered the room as leo went out yo get some fresh air

Mikey saw the tears running down your cheeks along with koko and kakucho the two rubbed their heads "look mikey you where too harsh" koko whispered and kakucho nodded mikey soon went beside you as he reach for your hand "its cold" you said "leo" you muttered

"help" you said and fresg tears ran your cheeks again mikey soon patted your head koko went to the other side and checked your temperature "his like a corpse his too cold" koko said

"idiot his having a cold" kakucho said and mikey soon went out and said "get him some hot porridge and some cold medicines"

"where are you going?" koko asked with a raised brow "errands" mikey said and went out

The two sighed and did as mikey ordered to.

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