Chapter 13

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Ran whistled "wow you already got a slut with you huh"

"shut up ran nobody wants your opinion" rindou said and you agreed with him making ran in denial "how dare you two-!"

"that's enough with childish fights and lets get this work finish already"

Sanzu said stretching you nodded and put on your dog muzzle

"lets do this you dick heads!" sanzu shouted and ran first you ran after him then rindou and ran


You all where covered im blood "mission accomplished" you sighed

"no not yet let's treat our selves?" sanzu said with a smirk "your still high go die first" you said and walked to the car ran chuckled while rindou laughed sanzu's way

He soon grit his teeth and followed you "your lucky that mikey granted your request this time!" sanzu shouted at your face and you looked at him boredly "shut up you noisy drug addict" you said and sanzu slapped your head

You all went back to the mansion you and sanzu kept bickering at each other and soon koko went in "m/n paper work...go"he said and you nodded obeying"hey why do you only obey koko!!" sanzu shouted and you flipped him off walking away

Sanzu soon huffed "that mother fuckers lucky because his mikey's cousin"

"sanzu m/m has been through alot as well more worse than your childhood" koko said and sanzu only huffed


You where now looking at mikey as he was taking a bath in a large bath tub "m/n" he said you bowed "yes"

"the reason behind your foolishness towards the leonardo bastard?"

"he resembles my deceased friend"

"cut it with the bullshit your obsessed with that corpse" mikey said and you grit your teeth "i would be grateful if you don't speak ill of a dead person" you said

Mikey only huffed "im here m/n be obsesse with me not with a corpse im your only family left" he said as he got out of the tub going to you and held your cheeks

"can't you see i love you so much?" he said "family can marry each other" you said taking his hands off of your cheeks "but we can force it i have the power to do that m/n" he said

You looked straight into his eyes "then do it" you said in a bored tone mikey grunted and soon kissed you taking off your clothes pulling you to the bath tub "pleasure me like how you pleasure the whore you brought" he said and you nodded


You and mikey gone out as he was hugging your arm you sighed as sanzu glared at you "what's the meaning of this m/n?" "mikey's just too attached to me" you said and sanzu got out hisbgun "shut it and explain your self you piece of shit"

"sanzu" mikey said in a cold tone and sanzu backed away with gritted teeth

'i really hate your guts m/n sano! "he shouted in his thoughts while glaring at you as both you and mikey went to the meeting room.

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