Chapter 4

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You now where getting out to buy some groceries but then saw mikey's division captains

You tried your best not to show to them but a cream haired guy pulled you up and you gave him a squeak of surprise

Sanzu looked at you sighing "where are you going" he said as this caught the others attention "g-grocery" you said with a blush looking away

Your lips pursed mikey came out "ah let go of him sanzu" he said and sanzu sat you down gently you sighed in relief "m/n grandpa says to get some cleaning products as well" you nodded and speee walk away the others looked at mikey

"so boss let's go" they all said and mikey nodded kisaki looked at the direction where you went 'the store huh' they all drove to tge location as kiskai called hanma and told him the info


You where now exiting the store only to be punched in the stomach you hurled and choked as you saw the guy with a smirk you passed out soon after

You now woke up as you where ontop of a pile of cars hands tied to together and saw that mikey was being ganged up on

You looked down as you saw the haitani's you gulped and tried your best not to make any sound as you untied the ropes

"how long are you going to stay in this pitiful state m/n" someone said as you looked up to see akinori your throat went dry

He soon smirked at you which made you scream "get away from me you bastard!!" you shouted as you flailed and he could onky chuckle "let me go you psycho!!" you shouted which caught the attention of others

"now now m/n your a psychopath aswell" he said with a smirk

You shaked your head "liar!" you shouted and kept flailing he soon threw you which you where too shocked but then some reflexes to your mind and your body moved on its own you appeared in front of him as akinori chuckled "that's it that's it that's my m/n!!" he shouted delighted

Your shyness was gone replaced with a livid expression and you appeared behind him and kicked him as you heard something crack you were now really mad

"how dare you" you said in a cold manner and kicked his face as blood was now trickling down his nose he chuckled as a blush was coating his cheeks "hit me more m/n~ m/n~~ ahh~ m/n~" you looked at him disgusted "ew" you said as you knicked him out and threw him on the pile of valhalla members

You sighed as you put on your glasses "m/n" mikey said looking at you and you looked at him "i wanted to, be cute though" you sighed "so that was just an act?" he asked you nodded "yeah i wanted to disguise my self but that psycho came" you said

"guess the others are informed now" you said and and dusted your self "im going home" you said and walked out mikey and the others where too shocked he just walked out when someone's dying "that heartless bastard" mikey said with gritted teeth and as draken dragged him out  as they didn't want to go to jail.

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