⚠Chapter 12⚠

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You where now in front of the underworld lords as you looked at them

"what is it that you want boy" one of them says "i have a question....why?"

They all went silent "tell me the reason?"

"you must be from bonten then huh?" one of them says you nodded "i see"

"what may your name be boy?"

"m/n sano" you said and they all gasped "what pleasant a surprise the dog of bonten came personally"

Your eyes turned to a glare "the reason why we sent the spy was monitoring your movements-"

"that's not the reason i was looking for you must hate bonten right? Sending a spy all the way" you said

"no we personally don't have any beef with you" one said coming out of the shadows

You turned to the guy "nice to meet you m/n sano my name is leonardo huotaw" you nodded they all started warning the guy and you soon yawned

"you elders are boring im going back" you said and walked out


You where now smoking while walking down the street that's when you sense that you were being followed you soon stopped inside a convenience store and your hunch was right a guy in black coat came in as well you sighed and picked out some sour candies

The guy went to you and soon pressed a knife on your throat you sighed

"m/n sano come with me" he says and you sighed "let me buy this first" he huffed and you went to the cashier and paid for your candies you two soon went to a alleyway and he pushed you on the wall

"ah why if it isn't leonardo" you said in a bored tone he soon clicked his tounge "don't make fun of me dumb kid"

"were the same age" you stated the obvious "well i dont care you're going to die anyway a big threat needs to be eliminated" you raised a brow

"its the opposite leonardo kun except the big threat line" you said and he was confused for a second and he was knocked by ran "yo ran" you said "don't yo ran me you mother fucker" he said and you smirked he soon took the guy and you followed behind


Koko gave the files to you and the otehrs "name leonardo houtaw heir to the lord of assassination blood type a+ age 24 he has a lot of domains in hands along with his fathers riches" you hummed "sanzu where's him and mikey?"

"torture room" he pointed and you took your muzzle and went to the room

Then you saw the guy crying tied to the chair "mikey wait!" you shouted and mikey stopped from blowing the guys head

"what is it m/n" he said in, his bored tone

"we can use him" you said and mikey huffed "yeah if his gonna be a burden im killing hin right off the bat" mikey said as he gone out

You took the guys blindfold off and he cried looking at you and you shaked your head

He soon gave you a begging look and you rolled your eyes and unchained him as you lifted him up and carried him to your room

You sat him down "your lucky that mikey didn't blew your head off" you said and the guy cried

"i-i thank you for that" he said and you huffed "actually i didn't wanted to stop it thought that was going to be karma for attempting to kidnap me" you said and got out a wine bottle

He huffed "we'll luck was on your sude your friend happened to be there"
"dude i could've killed you in a millisecond" you said and he blushed at this "and why didn't you?!"

"that's because..." you paused as you drunk some wine "you looked like him" you said "black and blonde hair styled to a wolf cut you look just like my best friend" you said as you finished your wine and put on your dog muzzle

"hah your bestfriend's pathetic if he befriended the likes of you" he said in a mocking tone

"actually he was grateful" you said and walked to him this made him gulp "a-and wh-why's th-at!"

You soon leaned down to his ear "he said my dicks big" this caused the guy's blood run cold "you freak!!" he shouted and you took off your belt and tied it on his arms as he cried

"you ungrateful shit!!" he shouted

You huffed "I've had enough with your shouts" you flipped him as his stomach was on the bed your eyes looked at his back as your hands traced his back

"nice i wonder if.." you pulled down his pants as he cried "stop!!"

"that's my only dignity as a man!!" he shouted you huffed "too bad you gotta satisfy me.....kaero" you said with a smirk and took off your pants as well

"here i go" you said and pushed in as he choked crying "ah~ so tight" you said and gripped his hips as you started fucking him

"you insane bastard!!" leonardo cried out as he buried his head on the bed you could only chuckle "don't cry~ you'll feel good soon~" you said and started thrusting as he cried

Blood started to trickle down his ass as you weren't pleasure that much

"oi kaero come on moan will you it isn't that pleasurable" you said and soon went to his nipples and started playing with them your muzzle got in the way but you didn't got a problem

And slapped his ass going fast as you found his spot he soon moaned out and you smirked "found itt~~"

You soon became rough as he screamed


You now fixed your suit as you went to a mirror "um too addicted to...him"you said and rubbed your head"fuck" you said and turned to leonardo seeing that he was crying

"give up i took your virginity and your dignity as a man you belong to bonten tell your higher ups that you quit and went with us" you said and sat on the edge of the bed

"and i might take care of you if you do leonardo" he soon sat up and glared at you "i-i-!" you cut him as you grabbed his chin

"choose death or pleasure?" you said with a psycho smile

He sweat dropped as he choked he soon begun crying "d-don't kill me... Please" he said in a small voice

"of course just tell your higher ups and we're on our way" he soon begun crying again and hugged you "please take care of me" he muttered you chuckled "then your name will be kaero if you agree"

He nodded "y-yes!" you hummed as you smirked and snaked a hand on his back "don't lie to me or your dead meat leonardo" you said and he shaked his head "n-no!"

You nodded and lifted him up "come on let's get you change....kaero"you said.

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