Chapter 10

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"let me go mikey!" you shouted but he didn't listen and threw you on the couch

"koko leave us" he said and kokonoi waas about to protest but mikey's men took him away and closed the door

You looked at mikey as tears run down your cheeks "what are you going to do huh" you said crying

"shut it" he said as he took out a picture and showed it to you

"t-this is leo h-how did-"

"i have my ways so tell me that wasn't your first time seeing people being killed right?" your eyes widen

"what did you just say?" you said as you looked down "now tell me m/n what was the feeling that your best friend being killed in front of you"

You looked at mikey "how dare you!!" you shouted and stood up and was about to punch him but mikey punched your stomach

"im asking here"

You looked at him as your eyes started to close

"i hate.... You" where the words you said as you fainted


you were now standing beside mikey a collar on you along with a dogs muzzle on you

Your arms wrapped on the back of you

You felt humiliation on you as mikey patted your head blood was still fresh on your face when you bit off a guy's hand

Thats why they put a dog muzzle on you now as tokyo manji looked at mikey then the blonde leader looked at you in pity 'm/n' he thought

As sanzu taunted them you where busy looking for inui

And alas you saw him

You looked at him with pleading eyes inui nodded and you looked at mikey and he soon pulled your collar "what you hate me?"

"give me blood" you said looking at him and mikey huffed that's when a fresh blood was splashed your way and your eyes widen

"that's the guy you bit off the arm"

"you've got to be kidding me" you said looking at him devastated

"no now obey me or your next" mieky said with a cold stare

You bit your cheeks as tears run down

"FINE!" you shouted frustrated

Mikey nodded and turned to tokyo manji and he took off the cuffs that was on your back tying you

And you turned to tokyo manji giving a small bow and mikey said charge

And you charge first as you pounced on a tokyo manji member and broke their neck you soon broke their arms legs and kicked their stomach as blood started pouring out of him

You still had the dog muzzle on sanzu smirked seeing this along with the Haitani's wakasa and benke was taken aback mikey was thrilled in the inside seeing this

"m/n your corrupted" someone said a syou turned to them seing kise and shinjuu

"shut up if i dont do as he say he'll kill you both" you said

Kise shaked his head "m/n return to your senses this isn't you"

"SHUT UP!!" you shouted at them that's when out of nowhere a gun was passed to you and you shot kise "kise!!" shouted shinjuu

You covered your face as you shot shinjuu you walked to them as kise was dead and shinjuu was still breathing "m/n stopp snap out of it" he says but you cried looking at him "im sorry" was all you muttered as you shoot him repeatedly

You laughed while crying "gomenasai gomenasai gomenasai!" you shouted as you where laughing while crying

And as the bullets run out you turned to tokyo manji "murder spree!!" you shouted and charged as the Tokyo manji member shouted in horror.

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