Chapter 6

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Izana now entered your room as he got out a rope and tied you up putting a gag on you

And lifted you up going to the harbor

He left you up on the crane as the 50 members of toman came takemichi looked at you who was up on the crane

"aw i thought mikey will come for his dear cousin" kisaki said and kisaki pointed a gun on takemichi's head "you can't kill me kisaki" Takemichi said

And kisaki fired at his feet you who woke up by the gun shot your half lidded eyes looked at takemichi

And you yawned standing up you appeared beside takemichi and yawned "what's *yawn* going on" you said "m/n san!" he said you hummed and turned back from kisaki and noticed the rope was still there and you soon got out a knife and got out

You put the knife back on your pocket

You raised your arm and a gun was tossed to you and you pointed it at kisaki "so it is true that your the son of a mafia huh" kisaki said you soon yawned and nodded "i killed my mother for being a bitch" you said

"shinjuu!" you shouted and a motor engine could be heard and you huffed

"took you long enough to call me m/n" he whined "shut up" you said "have you informed the others?" you said "yes sir!" he smirked you nodded and "your going down izana" you said with a thumbs down

And with you and izana intensely glaring at each other mikey came and walked passed both kisaki and izana as he went to takemichi and hugged him

Your nose bleed "i like it" you said "m/n?!" shinjuu said

"leave him be shinjuu you do know his a bL reader right?" someone said as they jumped on shinjuu "oh heyyy kise" he said and kise nodded "m/n i brought you what you wanted!" he screamed and you perked up you soon ran to him

"here" he said giving you a box of mochi "ah! Arigatou!!" you said and ate

"awh cute" shinjuu and kise said

"m/n mikey called out you turned to him"thanks" he said and you nodded "I'll be sure to go to emma" you said with a smile  and he nodded and soon went to izana "lets settle this manjiro sano!" izana said

And the two fought

You now yawned as you laid on the ground "fuck m/n what the fuck!!" shinjuu shouted at you kise chuckled "this kid"

When mikey finished he looked at you and carried you but kisaki wasn't he pointed the gun at kakucho for being a wall on his plans

You woke up and was about to charge at him but it was too late he fired a bullet which made you froze "no" you said

And when he was about to fire another bullet to kakucho's way izana ran in and caught it for kakucho

Your eyes widen "izanaaa!!!" you shouted and ran to them you and kakucho tried to cover the gun shots

You grit your teeth as tears ran down your cheeks "m/n my queen" he said you looked at him and he touched your cheek "thank you for staying with me and you too kakucho" he said and patted Kakucho's head "im far from saving right....emma" he said as he closed his eyes

You screamed your lungs out as he died kakucho cried as well

Shinjuu and kise shaked their heads "that's the fifth" shinjuu said "i feel sorry for m/n"

Mikey was shocked seeing this and kisaki fled with hanma draken and takemichi wnet after them you hugged izana as you prayed 'kami sama please let him through those gates' you thought and looked at the sky

And soon the ambulance came as they brought kakucho to the hospital shinjuu took you away along with kise as the tenjiku members where being caught by the police.

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