Chapter 8

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"fuckkkk im soo fucking tired" you said slumping on shinjuu

"well stand up because i am eating" he said and you soon went to kise "kiseee" you whined

And he patted your head "wanna buy mochi?" you nodded "let's go then"


After you finished buying shinjuu and kise walked you half way to your home you waved bye at the two

As you where turning to a corner you saw takemichi and draken and a unknown girl you hummed and yawned as you where very sleepy and walked passed their battle

As a guy tried to punch you but you dodged and kicked him in the face with a scary look "cant you see a guy is just passing by?" you said huffing

"m/n san!" Takemichi said and you waved at him and started walking but a guy soon gripped your shoulder and you turned to a muscular guy

"you must be the infamous m/n l/n shibuya's demon" you raised a brow "and who did you heard that from?"

"ah vivvo i found you" he said and was about to lift you up but you kicked his face "i asked who you are bastard" you said with a scowl

"terano south you bitch" he said smirking "i don't have time for this" you sighed and with that your phone rung "this is m/n talk to me" you said with a hum

"its mikey we have something to discuss" you crossed your arms "what if i dont go?"

"your location?" mikey asked and you have chills "on second thought im going I'll be right there" you said
"good" he said and you turned "cya guys" you said and walked away hands in your pocket

"Who was that takemichi? " senju asked "that was m/n mikey's cousin and i dont know if his an enemy or a friend"

"his strong i gotta admit but...." senju cut her self "lets go" she said and all of brahman followed behind her

As they held a meeting


You where now sitting on a table as mikey caged you "m-mikey" you said as you blushed

"shut it" he said as he looked at your eyes "now answer me where were you??" you gulped

"i-i met up with mu friends"

"liar i heard punching noises" he said and you gulped more "i-i"

"stop lying m/n and just come clean" koko said and you gulped "uh" you said

"i walked passed brahman and rokuhara tandai" you said mikey hummed "they where fighting huh"

You nodded and he soon got off you

"i see then things just got exciting".

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