Chapter 16

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You now where walking down the streets as you where smoking mikey didn't allow you to do missions as well as work and this was your punishment

You now sighed as you fixed your tie and went inside a strip club

You went to the bar and ordered something to drink and the waiter kept on looking your way which made you look at him "what" you said in your bored tone

"n-nothing sir im sorry" he said and wnet back to work you huffed and drunk then soon a lady went to you "hey handsome~" she said in a flirtatious tone "get out im gay" you said flatly and she soon huffed going away

The bartender chuckled you sighed and drunk


You where now sitting on top of a building looking down and soon saw people running to a building you hummed and looked to see mikey hanging on the building with a black haired boy

You panicked and stood up going down running to the building "MIKEY!!!!" both you and sanzu shouted and the two of you ran inside going to the two

You soon helped them up as the black haired boy was injured you hugged mikey and he grit his teeth "m/n carry mikey and lets go!" sanzu shouted and you lifted mikey up running out on the boy that was somehow shot

You huffed as the three of you arrived at the mansion

"what the hell happened??" koko said and you panthed "mikey jumped off the building but a black haired kid saved him"

You said

"your drunk and you managed to lift mikey huh" takeomi said "shut up!!" you shouted and takeomi chuckled


You where now only walking down the halls until you walked passed mikey's office "mikey what are we going to do the underworld lords are getting angry they want leonardo" koko said you leaned on the wall as you proceeded to listen

"kill him and give his head to those shitty lords i dont care anymore if you have to kill, kill i dont give a fuck if they get angered more just kill everything in your way" this caused you to get angry you soon left and went to leo's room

"kaero" you said knocking  "comein" he said

"im giving you back to the lords let's go get ready" you said and he was confused "huh?"

"shut up and get changed" you said and went out

After he finished you two met with kokonoi "where you two going?" he said with a brow raised "im going out with kaero" you said and koko huffed "yeah okay just come back" he said and you nodded

You two went out using your tesla "m/n are you sure their going to kill you" "don't give a fuck"you said and arrived at the underworld's meeting place

" im returning leonardo " you sais and this caused the guards to point their guns at you which leonardo stopped" he saved me now drop those guns "

The guards grit their teeths but soon approved of you going in

" m/n sano"one of the lords said and you looked at them "im returning on of your lord as his life was in danger in my hands" you said and bowed

Turning to walk away leonardo gripped your shoulder "they'll kill you m/n" he said and you looked at him "i don't know maybe" you said shrugging

"your already a traitor come with me!" leo said and you smiled his way "sayonara" you said and ripped his hand off your shoulder walking away

Leo soon felt tears run down his cheeks and huffed

You where now going home as you saw mikey waiting in front of the mansion you were ready

You now got out of your tesla and mikey looked at you "m/n" he said and got out a gun

You soon smiled "yeah" he grit his teeth "you betrayed me now face the consequence" mikey said and you nodded and opened your arms "can i get a farewell hug?" you said and mikey felt tears run down his cheeks

He couldn't do this to his cousin.

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