
5.9K 98 57

*Location, Unknown*

*20 Years Ago*

???: Y/n.....Y/n.......wake up you Idot!!!

Y/n: Huh!?

Y/n wakes up in a unfamiliar place while sitting in a chair surrounded by darkness, the only things Y/n can see is the checker floor and a white chair in front of him.

Y/n wakes up in a unfamiliar place  while sitting in a chair surrounded by darkness, the only things Y/n can see is the checker floor and a white chair in front of him

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Y/n: *Thoughts* The hell is going on!? Marc! Steven! Do you two know anything about this?

(In Mind) Marc: I wish I knew, but I have nothing....

(In Mind) Steven: Same, here sadly....

Y/n: *Thoughts* Damn.....*out loud* Alright where the hell am I!? I know someone is responsible for this so show yourself!

???: *Annoyed* Why the hell are you screaming!?

Y/n then looked behind him too see a very terrifying sight. A weird bird like creature with white & golden clothes on along with a Egyptian cross and staff, but that's not what Y/n's attention was on, no he was more focused on the fact that the weird bird creature had NO SKIN!!!

Y/n: *Sacred* W-What the hell a-are you!?! And where am I?

Y/n asked the creature try his best not to piss himself. The bird walks past Y/n and sits in the white chair.


*Sighs in annoyance* You, Y/n L/n, are dead

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*Sighs in annoyance* You, Y/n L/n, are dead. This is the afterlife.

Y/n: WHAT!!!!

(In Mind) Marc: Huh!?

(In Mind) Steven: What did he? just say?

???: Yes, it's unfortunate you was killed by a simple truck, next time look both ways you idiot! But I guess there won't be a time, huh.

Y/n: Hey! Don't call me a idiot!

???: Fine, dumbass than.

Y/n: *Getting mad* Who the hell are you anyway asshole!

Khonshu: If I was you I would watch my tone! But to answer your question, I am Khonshu the God of the Moon, God of the Moon cult who are also friends with the Axis cult. Which is run by one of my God friends Aqua. But we don't talk about her.....

Y/n: Right......Anyway, this is the afterlife? It's pretty boring.

Khonshu than started to laugh as Y/n looked at him without knowing what's wrong with him.

Khonshu: This isn't the afterlife, Idiot. After you die, you'll just end up here. I'll be bringing you onto a new life.

Y/n: Oh, so am I going to Heaven or Hell?

(In Mind) Steven: *Praying* Please let it be Heaven, PLEASE let it be HEAVEN!

(In Mind) Marc: Steven would you calm down we don't even know where we are going yet!

(In Mind) Steven: Good point.

Khonshu: *Talking to Y/n* Well, it's not exactly like that, there's four choices.

This caught Y/n off guard.

Y/n: *Thoughts* Choices? Did he say I have to choose!?

(In Mind) Steven: Pick Heaven!

(In Mind) Marc: Steven could you please just let Y/n pick.

(In Mind) Steven: *Sighs* Fine, but he better pick Heaven....

Khonshu: Well, the first option, it to be reincarnated as a child. But your memories will be erased. The second option is to go to Heaven. *Whispering* However, in Heaven, you won't have a physical body so you won't be able to do any sexual interactions.

(In Mind) Marc: Do not pick Heaven

(In Mind) Steven: What!? No! Do pick Heaven!

Y/n: *Thoughts* Would you two shut up.

(In Mind) Both: Fine.

Y/n: Okay, so what's the third option?

Khonshu: You'll be brought back to life in another world that's filled with magic, monsters and maybe a exploding Loli girl. Your objective is to defeat the Demon King and his generals.

Y/n: So....close to a Isekai?

Khonshu: Sure, I guess.....

Y/n: No thanks I'm good, I really hate Isekai's.

Khonshu: Yeah, I don't like them either all of them are the same shit over and over again! But alright, how about work as servant for me.

(In Mind) Steven: WHAT! Y/n please do not pick that one!

(In Mind) Marc: Steven, I highly doubt that Y/n wo----

Y/n: I pick four.

(In Mind) Both: WHAT!/Excuse me!

Khonshu: *Surprised* Really? That was easy OK! From here on out you will be my servant Y/n! Also known as Moon Knight!

Suddenly white bandages began to wrap-around Y/n covering him in white armor.

Suddenly white bandages began to wrap-around Y/n covering him in white armor

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Y/n then falls on his knee kneeling in front of Khonshu.

Y/n: What is your first order Master.

Khonshu: To Kill anyone that ever wronged me........

Y/n: Yes my lord.....

(In Mind) Steven: Y/n! What did you just do!

(In Mind) Marc: He made a deal with the Egyptian Devil.....

Y/n than gets and starts walking to the srceen ready to server his God.

Y/n than gets and starts walking to the srceen ready to server his God

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*To Be Continued*

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍-𝑽𝒐𝒍#𝟏Where stories live. Discover now