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*Location, I don't fucking know, 🤷🏾‍♂️ probably in your house or some shit*

Y/n: Alright, who the fuck is going to say it?

Marc: Y/n! Language! Steven is right here!

Steven: *Waves hand* Hey guys.

Y/n: Do I look like I give a fuck Marc? Do I look like I give a fuck? And I don't for your information.

Marc: *Sighs & rolls eyes* Right anyway, we can all say "it" together, how does that sound?

Steven: It sounds like a good idea, what do you think Y/n?

Y/n: I have a better idea *Turns to the readers* hey you~ Or I guess in this case me~ How are we doing?

Readers: [Insert random shit here please]

Y/n: Sounds cool~ Anyway, me and my brothers...Wait, would we count as brothers or...Something else all in entirely?

Steven: Hey don't look at me, I don't know what we would count as.

Marc: I'll be honest, I have no idea myself 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Y/n: Eh whatever it doesn't matter, anyway, what we wanted to say is.....

All three: The author has discontinued this story!

All three: We're kidding!

Y/n: Hahahahah! You guys should have seen the looks on your faces!

Marc: Hahaha, the author is not discontinuing the story don't worry readers.

Steven: Yeah he's not, anyway, what we actually wanted to say to all of you was.....

All three: Happy New Years to you all!

Jake Lockley:

*Comes the fuck out of nowhere* And that the story will continue next week

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*Comes the fuck out of nowhere* And that the story will continue next week.

Y/n: Wait a Khonshu-damn second, Jake!? Where did you come from? Also, you are in the story?

Jake: Y/n, I'm everywhere and nowhere at the same time and yes, I am in the story it's just that the author hasn't shown me yet, I think it's for a surprise reveal or something like that.

Y/n: Huh interesting, anywho, that's all we wanted to say guys, have an amazing New Year and.....

All four: Be Good People!

Y/n: *Whispering* Hopefully someone got that reference *loud* Also, the author will try his best to update his stories more, just be patient alright? Alright 😎👍🏻.

All four: See you guys next week!

*To Be Continued Next Week!*

*To Be Continued Next Week!*

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