Ch #3: The Moon Meeting The Princess!

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*Location, Hell*

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*Location, Hell*

Steven finally arrives at the hotel and knocks on the door where he is greeted by a certain Princess who looked shocked.

Steven finally arrives at the hotel and knocks on the door where he is greeted by a certain Princess who looked shocked

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Steven: Hel- *gets door slammed on him* Uhhh...*Thoughts* That was rude...

(In Mind) Y/n: Yeah, it was, but more importantly can I get the God damn body back!?

(In Mind) Marc: Absolutely not! After all the shit you have done its pretty obvious that you are not getting control anytime soon.

(In Mind) Y/n: Excuse, you?! If you haven't noticed yet I been doing stuff for the greater good!

Steven: *Thoughts* Like killing innocent people?

(In Mind) Y/n: No! Killing bad people!

(In Mind) Marc: I'm pretty sure killing people who don't follow your "God's" religions doesn't make them bad.

(In Mind) Y/n: You don't know that! Look at the crusaders, it worked for them I'm sure it would work for Khonshu too.

Steven: *Thoughts* Killing people still isn't a good thing!

(In Mind) Y/n: *Sighs* Whatever, if you not going to give me the body back Steven, can I at least ask what the hell are we wearing?!

(In Mind) Y/n: *Sighs* Whatever, if you not going to give me the body back Steven, can I at least ask what the hell are we wearing?!

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Steven: *Thoughts* Why? You don't like it?

(In Mind) Y/n: No! We look like psycho Colonel Sanders!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍-𝑽𝒐𝒍#𝟏Where stories live. Discover now