Ch #4: The Moons Change Of Plans!

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*Location, The Hazbin Hotel*

(In Mind) Y/n: We are so fucked!

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(In Mind) Y/n: We are so fucked!

(In Mind) Marc: How? We should be strong enough to take them on, the one in red with could be a problem, but I think we can handle it.

(In Mind) Y/n: Not talking about that, also I know we can kick their ass. The reason I said "We are so fucked!" Is because Steven is in control!

(In Mind) Marc: *Realizing* Oh....I see the problem now.

(In Mind) Y/n: Oh, DO YA!?

Steven: *Thoughts* Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

(In Mind) Y/n: Steven, no offense, but you are a fucking awful fighter!

Steven: *Thoughts* I took some offense to that.

(In Mind) Marc: I believe what Y/n is trying too say is, you don't have the best track record for fighting, Steven.

Steven: *Thoughts* What are you two talking about? I'm a great fighter! You two remember back in the 7th grade that bully who was messing with us?

(In Mind) Marc: Yes, why?

Steven: *Thoughts* Well don't you two remember that I was the one that kicked his butt?

(In Mind) Marc: Oh right, you did.

(In Mind) Y/n: Yeah, but it was only for like 2 minutes until you got knocked the fuck out.

Steven: *Thoughts* Good point.

(In Mind) Y/n: *Sighs* Listen Steven, I like you, I really do. But you need to give me back control now! So that I can save our asses.

Steven: *Thoughts* Marc, what do you think?

(In Mind) Marc: I'm sorry Y/n but...I don't trust you.

(In Mind) Y/n: WHAT!? What type of dumbass logic is that?! You do realize if Steven somehow gets himself killed without the suit on, which is possible may I remind you! This is Steven we are talking about.

Steven: *Thoughts* Hey!

(In Mind) Y/n: Sorry Steven, but it's just the truth. *Talking to Marc* That we can die!? And why don't you trust me?

(In Mind) Marc: I know that, we died three times already and it was mainly because of you. And the reason I don't trust you is, what if you go on your little genocide again huh? Because I believe that what you are doing is wrong!

(In Mind) Y/n: The fuck? How is killing demons wrong! Also it was four times think you very much!

(In Mind) Marc: Calm down Y/n and please listen. I'm not saying killing demons is wrong, I'm just saying is what if some of these demons didn't ask to be come demons? And if that's the case then you are killing people who didn't ask for any of this and they just want a second chance at life. But it gets taken away from them a second time, because of you. Do you understand what I am saying Y/n?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍-𝑽𝒐𝒍#𝟏Where stories live. Discover now