Ch# 9: The Moon Can Make Anyone Honry!

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A/n: Jesus the title...But it is true, he is Oscar Isaac after all.

*Location, I.M.P city*

The scene starts with Blitzø and the crew driving their gray van along the street.

Blitzø: I love this song! *poorly singing along with "Mustang Dong" on the radio* ♫ You were a spicy little- uh- Demon with the- uh-bleach blonde haaaair! ♫

Loona is shown sitting in the passenger seat next to Blitzø, looking mildly annoyed at his singing. Moxxie covers his somehow non-existing ears in the back, Millie rolls down her window and smiles while Marc just listens to Blitzø like a good boy.

(In Mind) Y/n: *Covering his ears* Jesus! His singing is fucking awful!

Marc: *Thoughts* Oh come on Y/n, it's not that bad.

(In Mind) Y/n: Yes it is! Listen to that fucker closely....

Blitzø: ♫ Fieeendin' for that semen when I caught your stare... ♫

Marc: *Thoughts* Okay fine his singing is kinda bad.

(In Mind) Y/n: Told ya...

Blitzø then drives into an old crowded parking lot.

Blitzø: ♫ Thooought it might be love, but you went--♫

A pink car pulls into the remaining parking space.

Blitzø: Oh, shit! Fu-

Blitzø slams onto the brakes and the van skids to a stop. Blitzø turns off the radio and glares at the person in the pink car. He glances at the license plate, which reads "SUCKS-4-LIFE".

Blitzø: Oh, you "suck for life", do ya?!

Blitzø pulls out a megaphone and yells into it.

Blitzø: Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tits out of my parking spot!

The passenger steps out of her front car seat with high heels. Blitzø lowers the megaphone, shocked.

Blitzø: Oh, shit! Verosika!

Verosika blows a bubble of pink gum before it pops.



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(In Mind) Y/n: Holy fuck! Who is she!?

(In Mind) Steven: I think Blitzø just said her name was Verosika, Y/n...

(In Mind) Y/n: I know, that was a rhetorical question, Steven!

(In Mind) Steven: Oh...Sorry 😓.

(In Mind) Y/n: As you should be...

Marc: *Thoughts* Y/n, be nice to Steven...

(In Mind) Y/n: Nah I'm good...

Marc: Y/n!

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍-𝑽𝒐𝒍#𝟏Where stories live. Discover now