Mutant Crush

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Y/n= Your Name

L/n= Your last name.





The scene opens up with A monster truck running over 5 smaller cars. The crowd is loving it.

Announcer: All right, let's hear a big cheer for the lady of monster trucks, Shirley Ray!

Shirley Ray gives a thumbs up and then drives her monster truck away.

Announcer: And now, ladies and gentlemen, the main attraction of the evening. Let's give it up for the world's strongest teenager, Fred "The Blob" Dukes!

 Let's give it up for the world's strongest teenager, Fred "The Blob" Dukes!

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Fred is standing right in the middle of two monster trucks. He then grabs a hold of two chains. One in each hand as the chains are connect to the monster trucks. 

Announcer: All right, Fred. Let's show 'em what you got!

Fred then wraps the chains around his forearms. It then cuts to Mystique who is using her Principal Darkholme disguise. She was watching Fred to see what he can do. We then cut back to Fred as the Monster trucks start driving away but they both stop as Fred was holding them in place.  Then with one good hard pull. Fred pulls the Trucks back to him. He then Jumps in the air as the two trucks hit each other. He then lands in the back of both trucks. Both of the back tires pop thanks weight.

The crowd cheers and Fred takes it all in. He then goes to bow but loses his balance and falls face first into the ground and the crowd starts laughing at him. Fred then starts to get mad as he didn't light to get laughed at. We then cut back to the crowd and see that both Logan and Jean are there watching as well. Y/n would had been there as well but the Professor wanted to run some test on him to see why Rogue's touch didn't do anything to him.





The Danger Room.

We can see The Professor, Scott, Kitty, Kurt and Y/n in the danger room. The Professor turns and looks at Y/n.

Professor: Y/n you said that when the Rogue made skin contact her powers didn't effect you. Is that Right?

Y/n: That is right Professor.

Kitty: Like, what do you need us to do Professor?

Professor: Simple, I want you guys to try and use your powers when Y/n makes skin contact with you.(To Y/n) You may start.

Y/n then walked up to Scott.

Scott: Please tell me we don't have to hold hands.

Y/n: Relax Glasses. I'm not gonna hold you hand. Besides we all know it's Jean's hand you want to hold and not mine. No I'm gonna grab your forearm and then you take your glasses off and see if you can use your powers.(Grabs Scott's forearm) Ready whenever you are.

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