The hurricane

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THE RIDE TO THE Chateau was loud, if you're only going to describe it in one word.

I had to run out before everyone else, trying to get behind the wheel, I succeeded. Well that's before I heard JJ yell, "NO, NO, NO! Did I mention NO!"

Pope agreed with him saying, "I actually want to survive this,"

I'll admit that I'm not the best driver out there but it could always be worse. I could've actually driven over Rafe Cameron and his friends when I was practicing on driving the Twinkie.

Not that I believe anybody would've missed them though.

To prevent me from killing everybody by driving into a tree, JJ carried me out of the van and put me in the passenger seat before sitting in the driver's seat himself.

"Oh, like you could drive better!"

He could, and knew when I said it even though I refused to believe that I believed it.

"Anybody could drive better than you, Faye," he shot back, starting the car as Pope and John B got in.

"Perhaps that's true but you guys never let me improve!" I defended. "I mean how am I ever gonna learn if I never get to practice!" I argued.

"We are not willing to risk our life to let you think that your driving skills are improving," Pope said, joining our so-called argument.

"I don't get why you guys think that i'll kill anyone," I said, knowing damm well why.

JJ turned his blonde head to face me and my dumb statement in a split second, "You don't?" he questioned.

I knew I was wrong. So it was hard to argue, most times when I argued with someone I was a hundred percent right. But now was one of those times where I was basically the definition of being wrong.

So I remained quiet, still thinking about how to defend what I just said.

"Do you want us to list the times you almost killed somebody or?" John B then said in a really annoying voice.

I answered with a, "Shut up," before turning around to hit him gently, making him hold his arm in 'pain'.

"Ouch!" he said, rubbing the arm I hit.

"As John B was saying you've almost driven over a few to many people," JJ said, continuing what John B was planning on saying.

Him and John B had always been like that. Sometimes it was almost like they could read each other's minds. I guess that's what happens when you've been best friends for so long.

"Like who?" I asked, wanting to see who he could remember.

"Well, you almost backed over Pope once," he began, looking back at Pope, hoping that he would comment on it.

"Yea, I could feel my body slowly go over to the other side," Pope then said, earning a 'good job' look from JJ.

"You drove up on a sidewalk and made Rafe, Topper and Kelce fall into a bush once, remember that? Otherwise you can ask them I'm sure they do." John B added.

"I'm not defending Faye or anything here but that shouldn't count because it was fucking epic, you know seeing them scratched from falling in that bush." JJ laughed, while backing out of the driveway, giving me a small wink.

Our conversation on my lack of driving skills soon died out.

We all sat in silence for like a minute before JJ couldn't take it anymore, "Faye, turn on the radio or something,"

Rulebreakers --- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now