Running of

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IT WAS NOW the morning after, and it was not a good one. Actually it was probably the worst one in a really long time, my head felt like it was going to explode, I felt weak and I was probably going to throw up any minute. 

But according to Pope I had already done that last night, on JJ's lap, in the Twinkie and the bushes as well as the kitchen floor. 

And since I have a hard time handling vomit I had thrown up more while trying to clean it up.

(I'm sorry that's just nasty)

I was seated in John B's kitchen, smelling like shit since John B didn't have any running water at the moment. 

JJ entered the kitchen, he looked like a mess. I looked up at him, hoping that he'd met my gaze but he didn't. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. No, the little shit just poured up cereal in a bowl, got a spoon and went into the living room and ate them by himself. 

Now I got why he was mad at me but I did my best to honor the pouge rules. And my best to keep my word to Kie that there was nothing going on between the two of us. 

And there wasn't. 

There almost was but not anymore.

"How do you feel today?" John B asked, standing in the doorway.

"Spectacular," I sarcastically answered earning a chuckle from John B.

"Well, who would have known you were so good at cleaning. You really showed us your talents last night."

"Was I really that drunk?" I asked with my head in my hands.


"God, never let me drink again, never." I said, quoting my self and many other hungover people.

"Telling you to do anything is nearly impossible." John B said as he sat down next to me. 

After a minute of silence he opened his mouth to speak, "What was JJ saying to you last night, I saw you guys by the bonfire." he said silently. 

"I- I don't remember really," I lied, "It was probably nothing," I reassured him before getting up to gather my things. 

I had to get home and shower since my parents were stopping by home today.

"Bye guys," I yelled as I walked off. 

It was a long shower, a long hot shower and it seemed to be exactly what I needed at the moment. 

I was laying on the couch with a pizza on the table when I heard my parents car pull into the drive way. 

"Fuck," I whisperyelled at my self whilst I showed the pizza box under the sofa along with the painkillers and the soda.

I wiped my mouth and tried my best to fix the couch so that it wouldn't look like I spent my entire day there feeling bad for myself and JJ

I stood neatly in the hallway as my father opened the front door with my mother by his side. He was holding two bags in his hands. A brown one, his and a white one, my mothers. 

"Hello, daughter," my father said as he saw me, still in sweetshorts and a Tom and Jerry T-shirt, "I can see that you've done nothing at all to welcome us back from our trip. So irresponsible." 

My dear mother Linda didn't even say hello to me, "What in gods name are you wearing?"

"Hello to you too mother," I said, flashing her a so called 'arrogant smile'. 

"The least you could have done was dressing up and making us a meal, you are a lady after all Faith,"

"Fuck this," I mumbled before sprinting up to my room.

"You come back here right now young lady!" my father shouted at me.

I didn't come back.

Instead I changed from my shorts and t-shirt into a simple black dress and got my phone, then I climbed out my bedroom window. The last bit I had to jump and as I made sure not to land on anything hard I slipped and landed in my mothers rosebushes full of thornes. I stood up and brushed the leaves of my dress and noticed the blood dripping from my knee, shrugged it off and walked away. 

My parents must have seen me from the window in the living room because I heard the door burst open as I was about to walk off our plot, "You get back here right now!" my father screamed at the top of his lungs but when I didn't come back the old man took a run for it and tried to run after me. 

I sprinted off and down the street until I was out of reach. 

I had my back turned in the direction that I was walking when I suddenly bumped into someone. 

"For fucks sake, what were you going," a familiar voice spoke. It was Carmen. I turned around making her realize that it was me, "Oh clumsy girl, bumping into me again, what a pleasant surprise." 

"Yea, I could say the same." 

"Oh don't be like that, where are you headed to a summer night like this one?" she then asked as we started walking down the empty streets together.

"My friends, at the Cut I guess," I said hoping that John B was home, "Where are you headed to?"

"I don't know yet, I guess I'll find someplace to stay as the night goes on," she simply said, looking at the sky.

"So.. You're just walking alone, at night not knowing where you're going?" I asked her.

"Oh like you're not." Carmen laughed, taking two cigarettes from behind her ears, placing one in her mouth and the other in mine. She then took out a lighter from her back pocket, lighting them. She tilted her head up, exhaling a cloud of smoke and then turning her head to me, "Do you friends know that you're coming?" 


"Do you know where they are?"


"Then they wont miss you," she said as she swung her arm around me, "Come with me instead, you look like you need a break,"


A/N: I have zero fucking idea what to name this chapter so it's probably shit :) anyways my computer is alive again.

Rulebreakers --- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now