A ciggarette with the new girl

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JJ AND JOHN B carried the big, shiny safe into the Chateaus backyard, a loud boom could be heard as they dropped it there and went inside to look for something to break it open with.

I went inside as well but Kiara and Pope stayed outside.

My brown eyes trailed the room for something sharp when I heard JJ stomp into the room where me and John B were. In his hands he held a pair of sheet metal scissors. He held it up proudly, sure that it would work. A playful smile was spread on his lips as he looked at me and I adored the way his eyes met mine.

"Do you guys think it'll work or what?" he questioned, "Or do you find me so hot you find the urge to take a picture of this hot mess," he said cockily looking at me.

"Shut up," I said as we all walked outside again.

JJ's choice of a tool to break up the safe worked out pretty well, even though JJ did break the entire door of the safe.

Inside there were away valuable things. Including five hundred dollars in cash, meaning a hundred dollars each.

I was technically not a pouge, I was a kook. Even though I was titled pouge and seen as one, my family's wealth was what defined my status in the Outer Banks.

But for me that didn't mean I saw a hundred dollars as a lot of money. Because for me to have alone it was.

Since I was just a girl. I wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility of taking care of money, it was according to my father, "Not the way things are supposed to be,".

Which was just utter bullshit.

But it meant I never got my own money. Just small amounts sometimes, my mom would get me some when she felt bad for me. I don't know why she played the good guy sometimes.

"Shit," JJ muttered as he took something else out of the safe, a gun.

Now JJ and a gun could never end well, never.

"JJ, Put. That. Down!" Kiara ordered as JJ stood up pretending to shoot us all with his newfound love.

"I don't feel safe here anymore," I admitted jokingly, making JJ laugh at me.

"I'll protect you with the gun cupcake," JJ muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

My eyebrows raised at his words and he seemed to, after a moment of silence realize what he had just said.

"Are there some unanswered feelings going on here or what?" Pope asked JJ and me as we let out awkward laughs.

"What the fuck, no!" I said, defending myself and JJ.


"What are the plans for tonight?" I asked as I sat down on John B's couch looking at him.

"I was Thinking about throwing a keeger tonight actually. Here on the Boneyard." my brunette fried spoke.

"Well I'm always up for that, but however I think I need to go home for a few hours you know, just check in and change clothes and all of that." I explained to him but he just nodded in agreement.

"Can I borrow the Twinkie? I don't really feel like walking home," I asked.

"NO!" John B shot back in response.

"Fine I'll walk," I groaned. I knew that he could give me a ride but if he was planning a keeger tonight he had other things to prioritize at the moment.

Rulebreakers --- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now