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(This is Aisha POV for the what happened awhile back with her and Rico. Someone asked if she did talk to him like Harmony asked so here you go)

Aisha POV

<2 weeks ago Friday 3:48am>
I keep thinking about what Harmony said to me...

I need to talk to him. I've been up all night, well now morning waiting for him to get home. Rico's been doing this for days at a time now. It's like he would only be here when I'm not.
I'll come home to dirty dishes in the sink or the tv being on. For over a week Rico hasn't returned my texts or calls.

I got something for his ass though. I changed the locks because at this point I'm done. I shake my head closing my eyes as tears begin to form. I don't even know why I try with this nigga. This long distance shut ain't gon cut it for me. He was suppose to be staying with me until him and Dewayne find the Nigga that been harassing my girl.

I though that would give me so,e time to persuade him to stay longer with me. I know nothings ever been official between us and we just been fucking around. I know this I do but I'm attached as fuck!
I can look into Rico's eyes and tell he feels something, but he's never expressed it with words and barely with his actions. I'm not only pissed off, but I'm worried something's happened. He's never been like this before;maybe texting back a little slow but never M.I.A for over a week.

I look over noticing my wine glass is running low and sigh. I stand from my bed heading to the kitchen to pour myself another glass.
I lean against the counter taking a small sip letting the sweet bitter taste trickle down. After a moment I hear my front door knob being twisted over and over. I roll my eyes looking towards the door.  A hard knock on the door causes me to jump up a little. I put my glass down walking to the door, tying my robe to my side. I look through the peephole and see him standing there on the phone before knocking again. I take a moment to take a deep breath, clearing any tears from my eyes before slowly unlocking and opening the door.

"Did you change the locks?" Rico looks over me before walking in.

"Yes. I sure did," I close and lock the door before walking back over to my wine glass.

"Why the hell you do that shit for and not tell me," he barks looking at me like I was crazy

"Why the hell are you here Rico?" I flip the script looking down at the wine in my glass.
"Aisha..I really don't have time for your bullshit right now," he says walking to the back towards my room.

"Nigga I never said for you to just walk up through my shit," I shout following behind him to my room.
"Mann...why are you tripping DAMN,"he falls back onto my bed. I look at him briefly before turning away shaking my head.

"Come lay with me," Rico sits up grabbing for my hand.
"Naaah nigga don't fucking touch me! I don't know why yo ass in here acting like Shit is all good. You haven't responded to any if my messages or calls in over a week," I yell pulling away from him.

"I've been hella busy and you know I can't really talk about the shit. I had to burn my phone and some of my other shit. I wasn't trying to ignore yo ass, I just didn't want you waiting up for a Nigga. You knew the type of nigga I was before you decided to fuck with me man," Rico yells back.

"Fuck with you? We barely do that, the hell. You barely my nigga and here I am stressed out. I didn't know if I should be pissed at you thinking you was out fucking around on me or scared thinking something happened to you," I shout feeling the hot tears moving down my face. Rico sits up again looking at me, his face expression softens to something I haven't seen in him since we first met. I don't know if it's because this is the first time he's actually seen me cry or that I'm pouring my heart out to him or both.

"Baby—,"Rico begins lowering his voice as he takes my hand into his. I cry harder because why did it have to get this far before he finally listens to me. I pull my hand from his taking a step back. 

"Yes i knew who you were.. even though we were never really official i got attached to you. I loved it so much at first. We went out a lot. I got you to go to a show, even though you hated every moment. It just felt--now I don't know anymore. Your barely here. When I'm not here your here, your avoiding me. You stopped making love to me or maybe what I thought it was and just fucked me. I don't know why i kept giving in every time. You don't touch me like you use too. Am I ugly now? Was i just some trial phase? Then when i found out about the baby... with all the stress I lost it. I mean who would want a baby in a broken home." I say sniveling as i clutch my stomach remembering my dead baby, barely a fetus being pulled from me. 

Rico covers his face before standing up and reaching for me again. 

"No! I'm not fucking finished," I yell pushing him back on the bed. He grunts and his eyes go wide from the force of push as he stares back up at me. 

"I feel so invisible to you that I went elsewhere looking for the love you once gave. I didn't have to look to far because he found me," I smile a painful smile though my tears. 


"SHUUUT UP!" I scream feeling like Helen from diary of a mad black woman. 

"He reminded me so much of you. He was everything I wanted.. Everything i wanted in you. He was so perfect," I ball my fist in anger. 

"I wanted to tell you everything. But you kept blowing me off and avoiding---"

"Did you fuck him," Rico says sternly pinching the ridge of his nose. I can see the veins poking from his neck and forehead. 

"No...I couldn't because he wasn't you," I whisper trying not to make eye contact. 

Before I could react I'm up against my bedroom wall. I squeeze my eyes shut from the anticipation. I slowly open my eyes after a moment of silence. Rico looks down at me staring into my eyes. I feel uneasy under his gaze  so I look off towards my vanity leaning my head back onto the wall. 

He places his hand on my chin turning my face back to him. He kisses the tear under my left eye and wipes the other streams with his finger. 

"Baby.. I am so so sooo sorry," He whispers before crashing his lips onto mine. I start hitting his chest with my fingers trying to break the kiss. 

"Stop," he says between kisses grunting lowly. Rico grabs my wrists moving my arms up pinning them above me. He then kisses me harder using his other hand to rest on the side of my cheek. 

I moan into the kiss finally giving him to his big juicy lips that I love so much. 

"No.. stop please. You just going to do it again," I sigh turning my head from the kiss. 

"No baby. I promise you. I promise its different now," Rico kisses my neck as he unties my dark satin robe. He licks his lips looking over my pink lingerie set. 

"How am I suppose to believe that," I say looking up into his brown eyes. He pauses before he speaks staring into me. 

"Now that I know how you really feel about me....No woman I've ever been with has ever made me feel the way you have. Ever. I never expressed it because it was too good to be true. Usually in my life when somethings too good it never lasts and something would always come along and fuck it up. Deep down I felt that you would grow tired of me and leave. Therefore I'd rather it be now then before it got to deep. Your too good for me baby, I knew I couldn't.. that I'm not meant to have you. The life I live wasn't something I'd expect you to understand and stick around for. You've stayed by my side though it all and that scared me. Now it makes me feel like I can share it all with you," Rico says pushing the robe from my shoulders. He's still watching me closing making sure I'm hanging onto every word. I am. 

i open my mouth to speak, but he puts a finger to my lips.

"You stuck with me. I cant ever let you go now," he takes my hand leading us to the bed. 

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