Chapter Six

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Previously in the Black's Ace
Reece and ace had once again narrowly avoided death and destruction thanks to the leader of bogan and together they catch up to atlas destroyer but reece should've knew better than to think shane just wanted to he nice
Taylor and hayley still couldn't believe what they were seeing their mother was one of people trying to kill them all this time
Taylor: no no..... mom? Mom, listen, it's me... it's taylor. And —— and hayley
Reece could only watch in disspair as brina did nothing but growled viciously at her own children as shane held her back from moving
Shane: you might wanna keep back
Hayley: i thought mom and dad died fighting kaiju not..... not this
mei had no idea how to respond to any of this thanks to shane taking her from her own parents as for reece he had to sqeeze his eyes shut as the memories of his own fathers death came flood back to him but when he opened his eyes again he watch taylor's features harden as he approached his retrained mother
Taylor: mom, you remember me, don't you
Brina raised her head still viciously glaring at her son
Taylor: see? It's —— It's gonna be——
Brina once again screamed before trying to pounce at taylor but again shane managed to pull her back by her restraints making her topple back before he place his boot on hee chest keeping her pinned
Shane: she ain't your mom no more, kid
Taylor sigh as mei crouched besided him
Mei: no, she isn't..... when the Sisters take a women, they get into her head, her mind, replace who she is with....( stammers) with somethint else, something unnatural
???: it's sickening, ive seen Sisters who barely look human anymore
Taylor: (trembling) i don't know what....hayley?
Hayley: don't you dare come to me for comfort
Shane: well, your little one gone, is he?
Mei and recee both gave shane a glare
Shane: yeah. Right. Who cares? Spyder
Spyder knowning what shane wanted tazzed brina again
Hayley: (gasps) no! You leave her alone! She's still in there
Hayley ran forward to grab her mother before looking back at taylor and reece who was now at his side
Hayley: and i've been right about this before
Reece shook his head as taylor sighed
Shane: could be she is still in there, only one way to find out
Taylor looked to shane before speaking
Taylor: what are you saying?
Shane: mei knows what i'm saying
Mei: oh (sneering) i see what this is about, if anyone can prowl around in someone's memories, its shane, he's had lots of practice
Hayley: you mean like in a drift? Yes.
Taylor: hey....
Hayley: yes, let's try, we have to!
Taylor: lets get her in the conpod
Reece finally spoke up after being silent
Reece: hold up there wreck it ralph he's not offering this service, he's trading for it and god help me shane if you say her name i will kill you where you stand
Taylor: you want our jeager
Shane: nothing's free in The Black but i don't want your jeager i want his so help me pilot it back to bogan and i'll go in and fish out whatever's left of mummy for hansel and gretal there
Mei lunged forward aiming a punch at shane but he stopped her attack
Mei: i am not merchandise in on of your trades
Shane: mei, you don't belong with them, i raised you like you was my own, let's be family again come on
Mei: firstly your right i don't belong with them but you fail to see im not with them im with him and secondly you want to be a father to me? Do this, and ask for nothing in return
Shane: put her in the rig
Reece watched the scene in front of him unfold as taylor and hayley took there mother to atlas and mei watched shane walk towards the jeager as he approached her side
Spyder: i can vouch for his sincerity, mei this is no easy favor, her mind's full of some real nastiness
Mei looked down then spoke
Mei: can't be any worse than his
Reece: maybe i should do it, becuase i've just about had enough of surviving this hell hole so i could die knowning they got at least one parent still alive
mei tried grab his wrist but reece had already walked away enough for her to miss it as he walked back towards ace
Spyder: he got your memories back didn't he?
Mei said nothing as she watched him sit against ace's right foot and lay his head back
Mei: come get me if he does anything stupid
Spyder: isnt that all the time from what ive seen
Mei: just come and get me
Spyder: ok ok i will
Mei followed after the three that went to atlas and she got in atlas's conpod just in time to see taylor and hayley fighting to get brina in atlas's restraints
Hayley: it's gonna be okay, mom!
Taylor: this will help, i promise, loa, now
Loa: systems are primed for drift, but i must warn you that pairing a kaiju- infected mind will likely result....
Shane: shut it, bot
Hayley turned to shane
Hayley: find her....please
Shane: if there's anything left in there, i will
Taylor: ready, loa
Loa: preparinf to initiate neural handshake
Mei: wait, what was loa trying to tell you? Likely result in what?
Shane: you're a good girl, mei
Mei: if you think one favor is going to erase everything else you did to me and my boyfriend
Loa: link complete
The occupants of atlas's conpod stood on edge for a good twenty minutes until brina gasped and panted heavily
Brina: (gasps) my babies!!
Mei: shane?
Brina, taylor and hayley gasped as they turned to look over at mei
Mei: shane!! Wa—— wake up, you bastard!
Loa: i am sorry there are no longer signs of life
Mei burst into tears and held shane as he fell from atlas's restraints while brina, taylor and hayley sat there actually sadden by the loss but after a couple moments mei got up and left the conpod
Hayley: hopefully reece can help her better than we can
Taylor and brina both nodded in silent agreement while on the outside of atlas reece had now moved from laying against ace's foot and was now helping spyder do some minor repairs on shane's vehicle
Reece: oww bastard spy pass me the spanner
Spyder: somethings happened mei is coming back alone
Reece popped his head up out of the engine bay and saw mei was indeed approaching them but he could tell by her body posture something drastic had happened in that conpod so he quickly jumped off the car and jogged over to her
Reece: mei? You ok?
Once she saw him she ran over and crashed against his chest burying her face in his shirt and after a couple moments reece felt his shirt getting wet
Reece: it's ok babe it's ok let out
Spyder: did he help her?
Reece glared down at spyder as mei slowly brought he face out of reece's chest and spyder could see her tear stained face
Mei: he did
Spyder: no, no, he told me he could do it! Shane!!!! That man cannot be dead, you hear me? You're wrong! He's.......he's shane!!
Mei: spyder, i'm sorry
Spyder: then he lied to me, that bastard he knew he wasn't coming back
Mei:(gasps) what are you talking about?
Reece: when drifting with a kaiju infected it comes with a very high possiblity that the non infected dies
Spyder: excatly and he gave me something to hold for him and now i know why so i could give it to you in case
Reece: a data key?
Spyder: he didnt destroy any of your memories, mei he stored them, you want to know who you used to be? It's all on this
Mei: but i already know who i used to be
Spyder: huh how?
Reece: you have me to thank for that you see since i was in most if not all of mei previous memories before shane it would turn out that i was also a key to her stored memories
Spyder: ohh it makes sense now you are the one person shane couldn't store nor destroy
Reece: ahh come again?
Spyder: you see when shane was storing mei's memories one person kept showing up in them so shane couldn't fully remove you from mei memories
Mei: that would explain why i still felt attracted to you when you appeared in bogan
Reece: wait wait wait hold on are you seriously telling me you were still attracted to me even after not knowning who i was entirely
Mei: pretty much
Reece: i am amazing
Mei looked at the data key that lay in her hand again and whimpered into reece's chest again
Reece: i guess even if he didnt show it, he did truly care for you mei and that is something i can actually respect him for
Reece just hugged mei tightly as taylor and hayley came back down with a sleeping brina
Reece: how is she?
Taylor: good at least i think she is
Reece: watch you two because as far as we know she is your only parent alive right now hell i wish i could say the same my dad was shot by shane and my mom died giving birth to me so find yourself's lucky
Mei wrapped her arms around reece's neck hugging him tightly
Reece: haha its ok mei i've learned to accept their deaths besides i still have you
Mei: still so corny but we should be quiet and let her rest
Reece: brina deserves that much
Spyder had returned to shane's vehicle while reece and mei stood looking at the rising sun as taylor and hayley kept an eye on their mother
To be continued

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