Chapter Seven

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Previously in the Black's Ace shane had gone into
the kaiju infected mind of brina travis and helped to bring her back to her children but gave his life in the process it would appear that when ever the small group take a win they also take a loss aswell
A couple of hours had passed since brina travis had returned to her right state of mind thanks to shane who gave his life for brina's and she was only just waking from passing out
Brina:(groans) what? Where?
Hayley: you're with us, with your family
Brina: im so tired, i can barely hold her back
Hayley: who, Mom? Hold who back
Brina: the high priestess
Hayley: she's not here. Don't worry
Brina: no. She is. (Gasps) she trying to break through but i.... I'm pushing against the door i....i have to, or she'll see what i see.. know what i know
Hayley: do the best you can, mom
Hayley embraced her mother tightly
Brina: hayley..... the strength i see in my little wildflower makes me so proud
Hayley: i get it from you
Reece stood beside mei as taylor ran over to hayley and brina and he felt angry but guilty at the same time
Reece: ugh
Mei turned to her head to see reece had turned to look out over the desert
Mei: you ok
Reece: im fine!
Mei: hey im trying to help you here
Reece: can you bring back my dad?
Mei remained silent and looked down
Reece: yeah didnt think so now i have to stand here and watch a family reunite while mine is destroyed im the last one of my family alive mei
Mei: that isnt so bad to some reece i mean i'd be lost without you here
Reece: sure whatever you say
Reece turned to walk towards ace but he stopped to look at where mei had covered shane's body
Reece: you got what you deserved shane i told you that one day you'd pay for my dad's death with your life im just pissed it wasnt me to do it
Reece then walked off to ace while mei and spyder watch him go and once he was inside ace's conpod he turned and punched the nearest wall within the conpod
Ace: are you ok reece
Reece: i dont know ace i dont know
Ace: are you upset about the reuniting of the travis family?
Reece: yes and no im pissed off that everywhere i go i loose something that be a friend, a family member hell i almost lost you once before
Ace: and do not forget your girlfriend aswell
Reece: im starting to think that i should've died along side my dad that day then i wouldn't be feeling like this
Ace: that would cease your suffering but would increase the suffering of others
Reece: how ace mei didnt even full know it was me back then and as for the travis's well i think that obvious i didnt even know them so no one would be suffering right now
Ace: i see
Reece: ace if i was to lets say pass what's your next program
Ace: with both pilots or pilot in this case dead my next program is to self destruct to not allow my chassis to be scavanged for parts or wares
Reece: huh fair enough
Ace: you not thinking of ending your time here are you pilot?
Reece: no not yet ace i might not have a family but ive got you brother
Ace: thank you pilot i will continue to assist you the best i can
Reece: yeah and hey maybe now with brina's back hayley might be able to pilot atlas and you can have two pilots back
Ace: that would be prefered
Reece: thank you ace for listening
Ace: any time pilot
Reece left the conpod and joined the others where he was greeted by brina first
Brina: reece is that you?
Reece: hello mrs travis it has been awhile im glad to see your ok
Brina: as good as an kaiju infected human can be i suppose but erm i can seem to see your father where is he?
Reece: he....he didnt survive...... this
Brina: oh my gods im so sorry reece
Reece: its fine mrs travis i may have lost my blood family but this kaiju nightmare as given me another family so im not alone
Hayley: see mom i told you reece was our leader
Taylor: and mei is the one that has to keep him in line
Reece: yep... hey wait a damn second
Mei: and that is excatly what they mean
Reece: yeah yeah whatever
Hayley: so whats next? sydney?
Reece: nope we rescue kaiju kid then we move to sydney
Mei: whats with the sudden change of heart hmm?
Reece: i realised that if princess thinks of the kid as family then who am i to throw away a little brother hmm
Hayley ran forward and embraced reece while mumbling thank you's
Reece: now there is one small problem and that is we cant use the jeagers too big and noisy for that
Mei: meaning we have to actually go into where ever they are keeping boy
Brina: its too late for the boy now they've already start his transfusion
Hayley: whats that mean?
Reece: there wiping his memories of us..... of you
Hayley: we can't just leave him
Taylor: no we can't risk saving him
Reece:( sighs) brina if we somehow by some miricle we can stop this transfusion before its finished will he survive
Brina: yes but his memories might be altered and i know your a smart man reece i know you know what this means for the boy
Reece: yes if they finish the transfusion, there will be nothing of the child left to save
Hayley: we're in. Aren't we?
Reece:( sighs) arghhh! fuck it everyone lock and load we going kaiju saving
Brina: the place isnt far we can leave the jeagers here it only a few minutes walk
Mei: gives us time to think up a actually plan
Reece: yeah but before we go ive got to grab somwthing out of ace
Reece walked over and up into ace's conpod where he opened a storage compartment and pulled out a weapon holster and two 500 magnum's
Ace: can i ask why there are firearms within my conpod?
Reece: my dad's idea im afriad ace you see its something we used to do on down time during missions we'd set up some targets and fire a couple rounds off to see who was the better shot
Ace: hmm i see
Reece: anyway i'll be going now and hopefully returning with the kid
Ace: do exercise caution pilot
Reece: copy that boss
Reece left the conpod and joined back up with the others who were led to the sister hideout by brina
Reece: alrighty then living in a kaiju skelaton should of figured
Brina: be careful we dont want to alert that ripper i should be fine as it know's me but you four need to be careful
Hayley: what is that sister doing
Taylor: erm lay down skulls by the looks of it
Reece: damn them not just any skulls those are human skulls
Mei remained silent as she was beyond nervous
Reece: well time for a damn plan so here goes.....
To be continued

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