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Last i remembered i was sailing on a fishing boat as a i know i am on a beach.... That i am not familiar with

"Well i dont know how far away i am from Inazuma (Ive called the Land of the sun Inazuma cause its easy to write) I guess i should look for any locals" I say to myself as i pick up my grimoire and start to get off the beach till im stopped by some huge guy 

"Hey Kid your not from this continent are ya, I can tell by your clothes and your sword. Your from Inazuma arent ya" He shouts from a cliff above me as he jumps down

"Well yes i am from Inazuma, but how would you know that? I was a mercenary on a fishing boat because previous ships were getting attacked" I explain

"Well my names Yami Sukihiro and i used to be a fisherman in Inazuma till a nasty storm washed me onto the shores of the clover kingdom. From your looks you used to be a Samurai but got kicked off the job and was hired to be a mercenary, Sorry kid but you wont be able to get back cause this place doesnt even know where Inazuma is so your stuck here" Yami says as he walks up to me

"Well my life wasnt the greatest in Inazuma so i had no plans on going back anyway" I say as i walk past him and into a giant skull that was shrouded in a forest

"Hey kid i'll come visit ya every couple week but if your looking for a job and a home come to the capital in a few years and apply for the magic knight exam, im sure the locals will point you in the right direction" Yami says but as soon as i turn around hes gone 

'Guess this is my life now' I say as i set up shelter in the skull

-+ Timeskip 3 years +-

'The locals said i should be old enough to try out the entrance exam and that 2 boys my age should be trying out as well' I say as i hear a voice from behind me

"Hey you must be the one who is looking to try out the entrance exam right? Captain Yami sent me here saying that there was a person he recommended to try out the exam" I was ready to draw my sword as i take my hand off once he mentions Yami

"Well its been a few years but yea Yami said that i could try out if i needed a home and a job" I say as he opens a portal to somewhere

"Perfect if you'd please follow me i can take you to the entrance exam, Captain Yami has signed you up for the royal exam due to the wizard kings request" The stranger says as we walk through into a colosseum and i see 9 people sat in chairs antil i see Yami sat in one

"Captain Yami sir ive brought the person you requested" He says as he does a weird thing with his hands as Yami turns around

"Good job finral you can go back now but dont forget to be here in a few hours" Yami says as he turns around as puts his hand on my shoulder

"Hey its great to see ya kid" He says as he leans down and whispers "If anyone asks what your last name is just say its Sukihiro, the royals heard about my discovery of you and they wanted you either dead or i adopt you so i made the decision in the heat of the moment" he whispers as i nod my head

"All contestants please wait for further instructions in the Arena" We hear a voice being projected into the collosieum

"Alright kid youll do just fine" Yami says as he pushes me towards a set of stairs leading down to the arena

"Alright noble contestants first test will be simple and that is seeing how well you are able to ride a broom" The voice says as brooms appear infront of us 

Slowly people start sitting on the brooms as they either are unable to keep the broom in the air or are able to move around slowly, Kazuha on the otherhand is unable to ride his broom at all due to him not understanding how it works. The next thing he knows him and a silver haired girl start getting laughed at, being called

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