Chapter 16

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Asta PoV

'I have never felt so useless in my life stuck in this grimoire....and i am going to be this crazy girls test subject...'

"Oh hey kiddo fancy seeing you here" A voice says from the darkness of wherever i am, as footsteps get closer i see the wizard king

"Howd you like making a mess of our little town..." Julius says with a cold face, as soon as he finishes his attack multiple members of this group 'try' to defeat him. Julius simple waves his hand away from them and a clash of magic appears away from his body.

"Just what the hell was that" multiple of the small fries say when they watch another member launch their wood magic at Julius- the same type of magic that consumed Noelle's water cradle was now being launched at the the wizard king, probably to try and drain the wizard kings magic with relative ease

"I am not here to fight any of you..." Julius mumbles as he holds out his fingers in a gun position and blasts an unknown amount magic towards this peculiar magic

"Hmm Ingrain magic....interesting indeed" Julies says as he stands on the kidnappers chest inspecting the physical capabilities of this kidnappers

"Oh well, given the large amount of numbers in this room it is impossible to capture of you alive" He says as he glares at the other members in the room

"You guys seemed to have happily attacked the clover kingdom and didnt expect any consequences killing innocent people and destroying homes for no reason but it seems you weren't prepared to be killed despite killing the innocent" He says as the attackers flinch at the wizard kings remark

"That being said, you all seem like strong mages motives aside and if it wasnt for my magic you would definitely break some bones of mine. I am willing to be reasonable here an NOT kill everyone here and i let one of you live , first come first serve" Julius says with a cold smile

"LIKE HELL WE WILL" The attackers shout as the began to launch a barrage of spells at him

However as im sat suspended in the air i see multiple of the wizard king...leaving almost like an afterimage effect when he avoids one of the attacks thrown at him once the onslaught of attacks comes to an end Julies holds his hands out

"Well isnt that just too bad...I wonder if it will work with this many people" 

'Time Restraint- Chronostasis'

The 4 attackers seem to become suspended in the air in an orb with a ring around it being unable to move

"Huh seems like i captured them all in one swoop...i guess your all weaker than i thought. I hope you all enjoy a never ending second, being frozen in time " He says as the bubble that had me suspended in the air breaks causing me to fall on my ass

"Oh hey Asta i hope you werent too injured...It seems to me that we are destined to keep crossing paths like this" He comments as he offers me a hand to help me up

'He captured them all in the blink of an eye so this is the power of the wizard king...'

"I hear you and Yuno of the golden dawn are aiming to become the wizard king...Well look closely because this is the power of the current wizard king, and there will be many battles that you will have to prove to the people of this kingdom that you're worthy of becoming a captain and eventually a wizard king. Prove to them your worthy with your actions, not social status or magic power- YOUR power and how far you are willing to go. Enough about that i believe you have a few worried squad mates so lets go home then shall we?" He says as he places a hand on my shoulder and we are suddenly with the Kazuha and the others with Fuegoleon, Leo and Kazuha lying down a bed

"I am afraid that we have somethings to discuss...i would preferably like for the others to be awake before this..." He starts explaining as a white haired women barges in

"Is everyone okay? i swear if my-" She starts before getting cut of by the silva siblings shouting 

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"Is everyone okay? i swear if my-" She starts before getting cut of by the silva siblings shouting 

"Mother?! what are you doing here" They say with a shock ridden face...Minus this is their mother 

"Whats with all the loud noise" We hear a grumbly tone as we look around to see Kazuha covered in bandages propping himself up with the help of Yae

-Kazuha PoV-

I get woken up by some people shouting and in alot of pain


Sorry for the seriously long wait i havent felt like writing anything for a while and just wanted to get something small out whilst i have the energy for it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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