Chapter 2

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Sorry for the long wait i had to do college work and then my internet got cut off and a whole bunch of small things but ill try to make it worth it

"Hey handsome its time to wake up" I hear from my right as i groggily sit up and rub my eyes and look down to my left and see Acier has left and Vanessa is naked next to me with a big grin and a hand on my chest

"Well not that i mind the view but do me a favour and put some clothes on would ya" I say as i lift the covers and begin to get dressed

"Awww i was hoping we could continue where we left off last night~" She says as she stand infront of me and wraps her arms around my neck and i put my hands on her thighs and lift her up as she snuggles into  my neck

"I would like to do that but i would like to see the new recruits Yami picked up yesterday" I say as i open the door and bring us downstairs as everyone just...stares...intensely

"Hey newbie why is she clinging to you like that..." Magna says as i start to panic as Vanessa lifts her head up and looks in his direction

"This guy isnt a light weight like the rest of you and took care of me when i eventually passed out from drinking too much" Vanessa says as she puts her head back in the crook of my neck

"Whatever you say just dont get up to any funky buisiness today for the love of god we have 2 new recruits coming soon so be on your best behaviour" We hear Yami say from the kitchen as he walks out with a cup of coffee

"Sure thing Captain im sure your son will definitely keep me on my best behaviour "  She says as she looks back at me with a red hue on the bridge of her nose

"Dont worry dad i'll be sure to keep an eye on her" I say as i hear Finral shout from the top of the stairs

"Hey Yami when are we going to pick up the newbie from the forbidden realm" He says as Yami grabs him by the head and pulls him outside

"Hey you idiots we're gonna pop out and get this interesting kid we recruited and magna, Prepare the baptism for me" He says as Magna gets hyped up

"Ohhh yeaaaaa time for some good old fashioned baptism" He says as he runs out into the forest 

Nothing interesting really happened after they left, Charmy was doing the usual and wouldnt stop cooking and eating, Luck kept zip-zapping around me and vanessa begging for me to fight him, 'Grey' was just being as anti-social as always and Gorden was stood in the corner mumbling about something and Vanessa had fallen asleep. Till we heard some screaming till a kid came in flying through the door and faceplanting into the stairs

"Haha now thats one way to make an introduction kid" I say as Yami and Finral walk in following

"Kid you better introduce yourself or your on pooper duty for 6 months" Yami says as the kid starts sweating

"I-Im Asta from Hage Village, I wish to one day become the wizard king. Its a pleasure to meet you" He says as he bows looking as stiff as an old mans joints

"Hey Kid you look like you'll bring some life to this squad, the names Kazuha Sukihiro i use Luna magic and am a foreigner and Yami's adopted son. This sloth is called Vanessa shes a raging alcoholic. Make yourself at home here" I say as i raise my hand and wave

"Wow are you that guy who lived in the remains of the demon lord on the outskirts of Hage Village i heard about from sister lily" He says as he looks excited

"Yea thats me, coming from a different country i had to learn this language so i stayed out of civilization, where i continued to trained and learn this countries way of life since it is very different to my home land" I say as Asta stands in owe at me

"Wow you must have had it tough out there learning everything from scratch"  He replies

"Well i was a Samurai Guard back home so i was able to take care of myself and i have very keep senses which helped me hunt for food" I say as our conversation is ended by magna shouting

"Hey Captain wheres this newbie i need to baptise" He says as he walks in a sees Asta

"Well look who it is, the newbie who hasnt introduced himself to his superior" He says as i faceplam

"Magna if it didnt take you so long you would have been here to listen to his introduction, In short this is Asta from Hage Village in the forsaken realm and he wants  to be wizard king" I say cutting Asta the slack of introducing himself to the biggest knuckle head in the room

"Asta smashta get you short rear outside so we can begin your baptism" Magna says as we all walk outside to watch the chaos unfold

Something surprised us all is that when Magna threw his flaming baseball Asta used the flat end of his sword as a shield but ended up deflecting it right back at him which left us all shocked. Yami walked over and wrapped his arm around his head

"Ahaha we must have gotten lucky this year not only can the shorty deflect magic but he also negated some nobles magic during the exam" Yami says as he pushes Asta into the hideout and throws a robe over his shoulder

"Welcome to the worst magic knight squad in the clove Kingdom kid, The black Bulls" He says as we all stand Infront  him like we're some sort of superhero group

"Hey Old man I'm gonna go for a walk whilst the shrimp gets settled in" I say as I walk off into the forest

Whilst I'm walking through the forest I remember what Acier said to me last night, about how she was checking the place out for her daughter...that's when I remembered Yami mentioned about having 2 recruits this year. I was cut out of my thoughts as I hear what sounds like a bomb go off but as I go to investigate the sound I see a girl wearing royal clothing so I sit and watch what she's up to and quickly discover she's practicing her magic control...and to say it isn't going well is an understatement.

"Hey girly your too tense so it's making you discharge magic with no control at all" I say as I come out from behind the tree and see that she definitely resembles Acier

"Who do you think your talking to? Also it's easier to say it but it's harder to put together practically" She says trying to uphold her Tsundere tone but falls upset when she realised that I was right

"Listen I spoke to your mother last night and she wanted me to help you, back to the topic at hand your muscles are too tense and it's causing your magic points to be messed up.
Due to this your unable to control your mana the way you want to, whatever is bothering you just forget about it or go talk to her or someone"
I say as she runs and hugs me

"Since I got my grimoire and event before then I've had the mana reserves but I lack the ability to control said mana and my whole life I've been cast out and called a failure and a disgrace upon the House of Silva" She says as I pat her head

"I may be a foreigner but trust me Mana control isn't something your born with it's all about playing around with magic and yours is just taking longer than most. One of the ways I picture magic is that it's similar to our blood vessels anatomy;Mana is constantly flowing through us and our spells are like cuts it wounds. First try imagining the flow of mana throughout your entire being. That should help you with mana control

Your mother can help you from there since I'm not good with liquid based magic. I can always contact her if you need her" I say as she steps back and tries to imagine it till she is suddenly surrounded by water and floats up

"Noelle that is too calm!! Your letting the mana manifest without a mould" I shout as I see she's passed out

"I try to teach a kid mana control and this happens just great- Luna Magic Half moon" I say as I draw my sword and split the orb open and Noelle drops down absolutely soaked. I take my jacket off and cover her up and head back to the headquarters

"Hey babe mind taking me to the girls dorms I found our new recruit and she passed out after I gave her advice" I shout out waking Vanessa up as she takes us to the dorms and I rest her on a bed

Soo sorry for the long wait guys I've had alot of things going on and I have no WiFi but when it comes back on I'll start working on either another chapter or one of my other stories

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