Chapter 1

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"Hey kid, the wizard king has assigned you to my squad, the black bulls, to be under my supervision. Since you will be able to leave early i'll send you back with Finral and you can get yourself settled in before our other new recruits turn up" Yami says as he throws me a black robe with a bulls skull on it

"C'mon Kazuha im sure you'll fit right in" Finral says as he guides me to his portal 

"Welcome to your new home Kazuha and welcome to the black bulls" Finral says as he comes through his portal

"Welcome to your new home Kazuha and welcome to the black bulls" Finral says as he comes through his portal

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"You sure this is the right place, it looks rundown and lifeless" I say as i look confused

"Hahaha trust me looks can be deceiving, this place is anything but lively" He says as he pulls me towards the doors

"Everyone please welcome one of our new recruits Kazuha Sukihiro, he's like Captain Yami and not from this continent so please be kind to him" Finral says as i instantly have to duck as a blue flash goes over my head

"You feel strong lets fight" The blue light turns around to reveal a short blonde haired boy

"Luck cut it out, Yami said to give him some time to settle in" Finral says bossing Luck around

"Aww you guys are no fun-" Luck gets cut off by a pink haired women in some...revealing attire

"Hey newbie come have a drink with me, lets get to know each other better" The women shouts as i walk over and pick up a bottle of wine

"Sure why not, these past few years have been rough so i need a good drink right now" I say as i sit down on the sofa she's on and we drink our worries, stresses and trauma away into the night

(On a serious note please be careful with how much alcohol you consume and make sure you have a way home that is trusted, stay safe when drinking)

-+Timeskip the following morning+-

That was one hell of a night

i slowly opened my eyes and sat up wiping the gunk out of the corner of my eyes as i slowly look around. I was in a room covered with empty wine bottles and i slowly look down at the bed i was in

She was there...the pinky from last night...without any clothes on...I dont remember anything happening

"Hey sleepy wake up" I slowly shake her shoulder as i lie back down so our faces are level

"Mmmmnn five more minutes" She says as she pulls more of the blanket onto her, seeing this i get close enough that my mouth is by her ear

"Wake up princess, your knight in shining armour awaits you~" I whisper as it takes a minute for her to register what was said

"Huh where? Oh my knight really is here~" She says seductively as she rolls onto me so she's right ontop of me

"Well good morning to you too beautiful" I say as i put my hands on her hips

"Oh my being so  agressive this early, i like you" She says as she plays with the red strand in my hair

"Well, i cant deny that i like you as well~" I say as i sit us both up

"So do you plan to get some clothes on that divine figure or do you want to continue~" I say as my hands are now firmly grasping her rear

"Hmmm, well it is still dark out so i dont mind continuing~" She says as she stops me from saying anything as she grabs my cheeks and kisses me, without thinking twice i kiss her back as i softly spank her rear causing her to pull back and cover her mouth to stop her from moaning

"I would love to continue but it appears we have a guest"  I say as i signal to the now open door to reveal Acier

"Well well, not only did  you grab my attention but you also managed to seduce Vanessa and bring her into your bed~" Acier says as she walks over to the bed

"Lady Silva what brings you here" Vanessa says as she lowers her hips above my manhood

"Well Noelle Silva, my youngest, was accepted into the black bulls so i wanted to see if everything was safe for her" She says as Vanessa asks another question

"With all due respect mam it is...3am surely you should be at home resting" Vanessa says as Acier takes off her dress to reveal her in a nightgown 

3am surely you should be at home resting" Vanessa says as Acier takes off her dress to reveal her in a nightgown 

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"Well that was one of my reasons for coming here, the other was to find our stud here...We had some interrupted business earlier~" Acier says as she pushes me down and puts my arm in between her breasts and also for whatever reason my arm reaches right ontop of her womanhood

"Well M'lady i wouldnt mind sharing him with you if your willing to share~" Vanessa says as she is on my right and i still have my hand with a firm grip on her ass

"Please Vanessa if we are willing to share you can drop the politeness and call me either mommy or Acier~ its up to you dear" Acier says as she reaches over and gropes one of Vanessa's breast

"Well i wouldnt mind that mommy~" Vanessa says submissively as she takes Aciers hand off her breast on puts it on my now risen manhood

"Oh my would you look at that, our knight is speechless to having more than one partner~"Acier says as she begins to trail her hand down my arm and places my hand inside her panties

"You know i dont mind being shared with girls but i can only take in so much before i malfunction" I say as i lose consciousness and start having a nose bleed


I want your opinion, is it too early for a lemon chapter cause i can blue ball Kazuha if you want its all up to you guys

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