Chapter 9

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"Ah Hello there, you must be the recon groups from Yami and Vangence's squad" We hear as we see the wizard king

"I-I Never dreamed of you coming to meet us in person sire" Klaus says as he kneels down

"Who is this fancy old man" Asta says as i just look at him

"I believe introductions are in place, I am Julius Novachrona the current Wizard king" He says as he introduces himself as he leads us to a tower 

" Now i heard that there were a few relics that were able to be recovered before the collapse" He says as Yuno gives him his grimoire and a scroll

"My wind magic drew me to this scroll and once i read it there was a new page in my grimoire which i cant read" Yuno explains

"Hmm let me have a look....The scroll seems to have lost its writing...but your Grimoire seems to have gained the power of one the Great Wind Spirit Sylph, of the four great spirits Say Yuno can you try displaying the spell you used when you used the spell" He asks as Yuno bows slightly

"I am sorry sir but when i tried to use the spell after the dungeon i was unable to cast the spell, it would seem that there was a requirement to use the spell" Yuno says as the wizard king waves it off

"There is no rush, Spirit magic can be difficult to be able to use. In history Salamander- The Great Fire Spirit, was bonded with a right hand of a former wizard king and it took them a long time to awaken. Spirits can sometimes awaken when the host in danger or when their other senses get cut off" Julius explains

"Wizard king sir please have a look at this" Asta shouts as he shows his aged grimoire

"Hmm this is very weird, i cant see how many clovers this has and i cant read the writing on the inside of it" He says as his grimoire floats over to Asta as a different sword falls to the ground

"Cooool i got a new sword, Wizard king sir would you like to hold it" Asta says as the wizard king tries to lift the sword

'Huh it would seem that this sword and the boy posses Anti-Magic, however this sword seems to absorb the wielders mana if they have any' The wizard king mutters as i hear him

"It would seem that since you have no mana only YOU can use these swords, i look forward to seeing great things from you two" He says as he walks over to me and kneels infront of Yae

"I would take it this is the Kitsune you reported to your captain Klaus?" He asks as he tries to touch Yae as she transforms into her human form

"I would take it this is the Kitsune you reported to your captain Klaus?" He asks as he tries to touch Yae as she transforms into her human form

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"I believe introductions are in place, I am Yae Miko Shrine Maiden of Narakami Shrine in Inazuma" Yae says as the wizard king stands up

"I am sorry Lady Miko i wasnt aware you had a human form it was not in the report, I only have one question for you-" He says as Yae cuts him off

"Please just call me Yae or Miko, I will answer that question for you - I pose no threat to you, this kingdom or its people. Unless of course Kazuha gets harmed by the knights of the clover kingdom" She says as the wizard king lets out a sigh of relief

"Well that is good to know , is there anything else i can do for you today?" He asks as Yuno and Asta ask at the same time

"Wizard king sir- How does one become the Wizard King" The say at the same time

"Ah so i see that you two wish to become wizard king, All magic knights should have the same amount of ambition and drive as the both of you" He says as he wears a bright smile

"Listen here you two- In order to become wizard king the knight must have these things; The wizard king must have a noble heart, The deep trust of all the people...No What a Wizard King candidate must need most importantly over those other points is...Merit" 

"You cannot protect this country with pride alone, to get the trust of the people you need to show your worth with the reputation you make

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"You cannot protect this country with pride alone, to get the trust of the people you need to show your worth with the reputation you make. People only want one thing from the wizard king- The achievements that make you the strongest in the kingdom. Produce Results. Devote yourselves building your own reputation, that is everything. No one who hasnt done those things can ever hope to stand as the Wizard king. Produce Results that show your dedication to protect the country, once you have produced results and the people trust you only then can you even HOPE to become the wizard king" He says as Asta and Yuno are fuelled with encouragement 

"Actually as a matter of fact there is an award ceremony being hosted soon for some of the magic knights who have been awarded with an outstanding amount of stars this month. Why dont you come along and see some of the Magic Knights from the different squads" He says as he leads us towards the Award Hall

"Can you two produce better results to me than those who stand before you"

"Can you two produce better results to me than those who stand before you"

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"Now then let the award ceremony begin"

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