Chapter 5

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"Your no fun" Luck says as he starts looking around before putting a devious smile on his face

"Your strong Kazuha ill see you guys at the treasure room" Look says as he bolts off and leaves us stranded

"Hey umm Mr Kazuha didnt you destroy all the traps" Noelle asks as she taps my shoulder and points to a plant eye looking at us

"Thats not a trap its-" I try saying as the wall that the eye was on is broken as 3 people come out and start flying straight at us on a chariot?

"Wait Yuno?" Asta shouts as the wind thats surrounding the Chariot stopped a short distance away from us

"I knew that today would be a weird one" The one called Yuno say as he jumps off and walks up to Asta before attempting to swing at him with a claw of wind before he's stopped by two things: 1st off Asta slashes the wind magic and 2nd off he currently has a sword to his neck

"Yuno!" His comrades shout out to him as Yuno slowly looks down at me

"If i was you i'd make the right choice and back off and identify yourselves or else ill make your head roll across the floor" I say in a voice laced with violence as he holds his hands up and slowly backs off till he's with his friends as i sheat...

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"If i was you i'd make the right choice and back off and identify yourselves or else ill make your head roll across the floor" I say in a voice laced with violence as he holds his hands up and slowly backs off till he's with his friends as i sheath my sword

"We are the dungeon recon squad of the prideful Golden Dawn and our names do now matter to you pea-"The one with glasses tries to say before i bring my hand down to my sword as he flinches

"Sorry for the ignorance of my superior my name is Yuno and the 4 eyes is called Klaus and our support is called Mimosa" Yuno says as something clicks in my brain

"Wait as in Mimosa Vermillion? Where is she?" I question as mimosa come out from behind the two other members of her team

"Is that you Kazuha? i couldnt recognise you in that outfit" She says signalling to my current attire which had change after i cancelled my 'Traveller Of The Night'

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"Is that you Kazuha? i couldnt recognise you in that outfit" She says signalling to my current attire which had change after i cancelled my 'Traveller Of The Night'

"Is that you Kazuha? i couldnt recognise you in that outfit" She says signalling to my current attire which had change after i cancelled my 'Traveller Of The Night'

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"Ah well i couldnt move around as well in that gear so i changed whilst i was using one of  my spells which to the naked eye makes it look like i just vanish, however to me time just stops for a very short duration however its became much harder t...

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"Ah well i couldnt move around as well in that gear so i changed whilst i was using one of my spells which to the naked eye makes it look like i just vanish, however to me time just stops for a very short duration however its became much harder to do since i came her-"

"Oh so you must be the foreigner we kept on hearing about from the Captain" The one with glasses says as he bows down as i do the same]

"I am Klaus (idk his last name) from the Golden Dawn, its a pleasure to meet you" He says as he raises his head back up

"Wait isnt that the magic knight squad that consists of a lot of powerful nobles" I say as we start heading in the direction Luck ran off to

"Well yes you would be correct in saying that and they are also very rude to...commoners and foreigners" He says as he becomes saddened

"So i take it you are one of the few nobles in this land that dont hate commoners" I say as i pull my hood down and pull my mask off as a way of letting them know im trustworthy

"Well the thing they are too idiotic to understand is that without the people in the forsaken realm we wouldnt have half of the things we have got now or had in the past" He says as we are silenced by Mimosa asking us a question

"Hey umm Klaus wasnt Yuno and the silver haired one here a minute ago" She speaks up as we look behind us and they were where to be seen

"Oh for christ-" Klaus starts to say as i just laugh

"Oh those two knuckleheads, dont you worry about it guys they're rivals so it was only a matter of time before they did something stupid" I say as i start turning my head from left to right

"Whats the matter Kazuha?" Noelle asks as she looks worried

"Theres 2 battle going on...Luck is north-east and the idiot duo...seem to be in a room not too far ahead" I say showing my inhuman hearing skills

"Wait the Cherry Berserker is here two?" Klaus says as me and Noelle start running in lucks direction

"I can explain later we will be back soon just make sure Asta and Yuno dont get themselves killed out there" I shout as i point down the hallway that Asta and Yuno went as me and noelle hit a turn in the road and start running

-+a few minutes later+-

"This may ne troublesome" I say as we walk into a room covered in a smokey-ash substance

"Kazuha is that you? Dont get caught in his smoke it'll tell him your every move" Luck shouts out at us

"Well that makes this easier" I say as i pull the sword off my back as i roll my shoulders

"Hey Noelle cover your eyes for a minute" I say as she does so

'Luna Magic- Terrestrial Plane'

(It wouldnt let me put it in because the file limit is 3mb what bullshit its basically the Raiden's elemental Burst but white)

As i swung my sword the ash substance that was previously practically glued to one area was now cut in half which revealed not only Luck being tied up but the smokey substance but also the caster of the spell

"Jeez you youngsters are such a pain in this old mans backside" He said as i threw my sword at him as his cloak was pinned to the wall as i walked over and closed his grimoire which revealed a caged animal with 4 goonies around the cage

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"Jeez you youngsters are such a pain in this old mans backside" He said as i threw my sword at him as his cloak was pinned to the wall as i walked over and closed his grimoire which revealed a caged animal with 4 goonies around the cage

"Hey Luck do me a favour and-" Before i could finish Luck had knocked out the old guy and his goons as i walked over to the cage and broke the lock on it as the creature had woken up at the sound as a Pink fox walked towards us

This web is getting on my nerves so im going to end the chapter here and i was planning to save Yae till the treasurey but now i have a good idea so you will have to wait till the next chapter

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