Chapter 4

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"No it's not your fault Acier I should have let you know" I say as I turn around and hold her hands and run the back of her hand

"I should have asked if you have work to do i know your a squad member now" She says as tears start forming in her eyes

"Hey! its not your fault i was assigned a mission" I say slightly raising my voice at her

"Oy brat come here a sec" I hear Yami shout from downstairs

"Sorry Vanessa but can you just take care of her ill be back in a moment" I say as i walk down the stairs and am met by Noelle and Yami

"Hey Kazuha can you do me a favour, I was originally going to send Little Miss Royal here with Asta and Luck to go secure a dungeon but i had a strange request from Julius and now Noelle. Julius asked if i can send you with them as a test of strength and now Noelle came and asked for your oversight, now i'll get straight to it is there something i need to know" He says as he walks up to me and wraps me in a tight headlock

"I was gonna let you know but Noelles mother Acier and i have been speaking and she wants me to help her with her mana control since its all over the place" I explain as he looks shocked for a minute then lets go

"Welp you have got good mana control from what i've seen" He says as he dismisses us so we can get ready for later

-+TimeSkip 30 minutes+-

"So hey do you guys have any clue what were meant to do now we're in the dungeon" Asta says as we walk into a wide open room

"Well if it's anything like the Domains in Inazuma then we will be needed to clear out everything that can cause an issue like opposing forces or monsters" I say as we carry on walk till we hear a small explosion from behind us as we turn around and see Asta covered in smoke as Luck bursts into laughter

"Oh man I forgot you can't sense mana traps" he says as I punch him on the back of his head

"You may be strong but your also a fuckin retard we're not here to play games were" I say as I pull my grimoire out and casts a spell

"Traveller of the night" within the blink of an eye all the traps in the room are set off which is what it looks like to the naked eye, but as Luck saw Kazuha had triggered every trap and took whatever effect was triggered by it

"Woah what the hell was that" Noelle says as she backs away a little bit

"Kazuha just set off all the mines your no fun" Luck says as he pouts and looks behind her as Kazuha had stopped Noelle from triggering another trap

"Luck I just want to get this over and done with so I can go to bed" He says as his suit vanishes in a black mist

Sorry for the short chapter I'm too lazy to go get my laptop which has the images on and I need to check which order the next scenes happen in so I'll update soon now I have a question

Should I introduce Yae at the end of the dungeon

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