Chapter 6

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I wish i could speak about the new arc without spoiling it but lets just say it makes me wish i could write about it

"You Human boy why do you remind me of Ei" The fox says telepathically

"Wait you can talk- Wait Ei...Oh you mean the Raiden well to put it simply i was working for here last time i wore this outfit so thats probably why" I say as we begin to walk away

"Well if Ei deems you worthy to work for her i might as well see what your capable i want to get out of this body" She says as she follow me 

As we get close to the direction of where Yuno and Asta walked off to we can hear the sounds of swords clashing which caused us to start sprinting to them

When we got to them it was something i hadnt expected to see...Klaus had a hole in his abdomen and Asta and Yuno were on their knees from exhaustion as the back of a man with white hair and a two-toned grimoire stood infront of me

"This isnt over yet...We will defeat you...whatever it takes..." Asta says inbetween breaths as Yuno was struggling to stay awake due to mana exhaustion

"Your resistance is futile and your pitiful lives will  be over in a moment" He says as  he is caught by surprise- As soon as he finished saying those words Asta and the others were covered in a sphere of water as Noelle, Luck, the fox and I had appeared infront of them as 

"Sorry Kazuha sir...he caught us off guard...and he's just too strong for us" Klaus pipes up from behind us

"No problem just save your energy, Mimosa could you do me a favour and heal these two morons whilst me and luck deal with this ugly shit. Oh and kid you were kickin ass out there good job on holding out for this long, so take a well deserved rest"  I say as i walk up behind Asta and Yuno and karate job their neck which renders them unconscious

"Hey snow white hurry up im dying for a fight" Luck says and i chuckle and walk over to him

"Cut it will ya, and i never said you couldnt start fighting" I say as i take my jacket off and throw it over to mimosa

"Wear that and it wont drain your mana as quick when casting a spell that  has a duration" I say as i pull my sword out as we walk out of the sphere we are met by 4-5 mineral mirages rushing at us- well at me seeing as Luck had rushed straight past them and at the enemy

Despite the mirages being a result of a spell they werent just attacking at random- they had coordination and combat experience. Well not that it mattered as i cast 

'Khonshu's Wrath- Free'

In the blink of an eye they were reduced to dust, now the next issue

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In the blink of an eye they were reduced to dust, now the next issue....trying to fight with someone who has a strong craving for a powerful enemy, however luck has made the decision for me as he shouted

"Hey snow white a bit of help would be appreciated" 

Which to most would come across as rude or arrogant but coming from someone as combat strong as luck means alot to his squad mates

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