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"You haven't attended work."

"Pretty difficult when I'm in jail. I'm fairly sure that they won't rehire a murderer as a gym teacher." I answer ironically.

"Your work here in the laundry room." He just replies.

"It's so boring that I might just use one of the sheets to hang myself." I snort.

He looks at me. I roll my eyes.
"It was a joke, Harry."

"It wasn't funny." He replies.

"Well, I'm usually funny. I guess I'm uninspired." I say dryly.

"There are other things you could do here." He says.

"Like what? Cleaning toilets? Pass." I huff. I'm really cranky. Taking it out on him.

"Kitchen?" He suggests.

"I can't cook for shit." I reply. Sigh.

"You can learn?" He says.

"I don't want to fucking learn. I'm thirty years old! I've tried! Trust me." I grunt. Rub my face. Fed up.

"Library?" He suggests.

"I hate books." I don't but I don't read much either.

"How about charity work?" He continues. Relentlessly.

"I don't... What kind of charity work?" I can't help but ask.

"Well, we have a program where inmates try to help troubled teens. I think you would be perfect for that actually." Harry says. Smiles.

That sparks an interest.
"Troubled how?"

"Drug-related usually. Minor crimes." Harry says.

"And what would I do?" I ask.

"Talk to them. You get to be a mentor for a couple of them. Are you interested?" Harry wonders.

"Uhm, I could always give it a try." I reply.

"Excellent. I'll talk to the administration." Harry smiles.

"Thank you, Harry. Really." I say. Humble.

His smile grows wider. Then he turns serious again.
"I'm sorry about yesterday."

"No, I'm sorry. You have the best intentions. Just trying to cheer me up or whatever. I'm just in a dark place." I mumble. Look down at my hands.

"I think you should consider anti-depressants." He says carefully. I shrug. He doesn't push.

When he leaves I eat my breakfast. Go out for a smoke. I always feel a little better after seeing Harry. I'm lost in thoughts. Standing in a corner. Leaning against the wall. Suddenly the cigarette is hit out of my hand. I look up. Wicked grin. Sinaga. He pushes me against the wall. Tight grip.

I try to push him away. He won't bulge. He grabs my face with one hand. Pinch my cheeks together. I catch a glimpse of his eyes. Pure evil.

I struggle. Try to hit him. He has me jammed to the wall. He turns my head to the side.

He licks a fat strip down my neck. I stop breathing. Try to shout but he covers my mouth with a dirty hand. I look at the guards. Pleading eyes. Another inmate is arguing with them. Keeping them occupied. Probably planned. He spins me around. I'm too weak to fight back. His hand grabs my sweats. Tries to pull them down. I close my eyes. Try to keep a blank mind. Knowing what's coming.
"Sinaga! Get your hands off him! Now!" Someone shouts. Zayn.

Running steps. He still keeps me pinned to the wall. He has managed to pull down my sweats halfway.

Suddenly the pressure of his body against mine disappears. I can't move. Frozen. Eyes closed. Disconnected.
"Throw him in the hole."

Zayn's voice. Liam is there too. I remember that my ass is on display. I pull my pants up. My knees cave. Someone grabs me. Instinctively I try to push him away.
"Louis, it's Zayn."

I relax. Open my eyes. Blink. He looks upset. He takes me to the infirmary. Informs Dr.Horan. I sit at the examiner's table. Dangle my feet. Numb. Dr. Horan walks up to me.
"Louis? Did he... Do I have to examine you?"

"No." Distant.

He looks relieved. Before he can continue Harry barge in.
"What the hell happened?"

He looks furious. I can't meet his eyes.
"Sinaga." Zayn informs him.

"What? Where the hell were you? You're supposed to keep him safe. Louis, did he? Are you okay?" He asks. Frantically. I have never seen him so upset.

"Peachy." I snort.

I don't even cry. Maybe I'm in shock? Maybe I don't care what happens to me anymore?

"Don't do that. Don't distance yourself. This is serious and I'm heading straight to the Director to demand your safety." Harry argues upset.

"That's sweet, Doc but I don't think there's much you can do for me. This is prison after all. It's just a matter of time before he succeeds." I say. Voice break. I shudder.

"Not under my watch." He says. Serious face. I look away. Can't take it. They're all so concerned. Great guys. Big hearts. I'm a convicted killer after all. At least on paper. They treat me like a human being. Like I matter. My chest tightens. Don't cry. Pointless tears.

I'm taken back to my cell. I play FIFA so I don't have to think about the incident. I have my dinner in my cell. Zayn brings it. He hesitates by the door.
"Louis? I'm sorry. He should never had the opportunity. I was distracted. It won't happen again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. It is what it is." I sigh.

He doesn't answer. Locks the cell door behind him. I eat my dinner. Take a shower afterward. I feel dirty. Soap my body three times. Wash the soap away.

Harry shows up unexpectedly. I thought he had gone home for the day.
"Hi Louis, I talked to the director. He agreed to let you have your yard time on the other side of the prison. We have a small area there. You'll be by yourself and a guard will always accompany you." He informs me.

I'm relieved. It doesn't mean that I'm off the hook. I'm sure Sinaga will find other ways to get to me. I have to constantly watch my back, but this helps.
"Thank you."

"It's the least I can do." He snorts.

"You're a great person Harry. I just want you to know that." I say. Bite my tongue. That was inappropriate.

"Thank you." He smiles. His cheeks turn pink. He's adorable.

When he leaves I just lay in bed. Staring at the ceiling. Wishing that I had met Harry before all this.

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