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"Hi, Harry? It's Louis, ehm, Tomlinson. Your favorite ex-inmate." I ramble nervously. Mentally faceplant.

He chuckles lightly.
"Hi, Louis! I'm glad you called. How are you?"

"I'm good. It's been a crazy week." I say. That's an understatement. I've been chased by journalists and paparazzi.

"I can only imagine. Wanna meet up for, I don't know, a coffee so I can hear all about it?" He suggests. He sounds nervous. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

"I'd love to." I reply fast. Too fast. Out of breath.

"My place? I'm guessing public places can be a bit tricky for you right now?" He says.

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"Alright. Tomorrow?" I suggest. Too eager?

"Perfect." He says, a smile evident in his voice.

We decide a time and he gives me his address. When we hang up I immediately run to Oli who is playing video games.

"Oli! Mate! Harry invited me for coffee tomorrow at his place. Fuck! I'm nervous." I babble.

Oli smiles at me.
"That's great!"

Maybe. Hopefully. I can't talk about anything else for the rest of the day. Oli just smiles. Helps me decide on what to wear. Tries to ease my nerves.

I returned to London two days ago. Moved into his one-room apartment. It's crowded but I'm just glad he's offering me a place to live. I need to get back on my feet.

He gives me a ride the next day. It's a Sunday. I'm jumpy. Nervous.
"Just be yourself." Oli says.

I roll my eyes at him. Thank him for the ride. Get out of the car. Walk into Harry's apartment building. Find his flat. I knock on his door.

He opens it. Gorgeous. Happily dimple smiling.
"Louis! Hi!" He pulls me in for a hug.

I enter his apartment. Look around. Curiously. He shows me to the kitchen.

"Sure." I agree. Watch him fiddle with cups. Pour the coffee. Offer me milk and sugar. I drink mine black. He seems nervous. I wonder why?

We take a seat in the living room.
"So, how have you been?" He asks.

"Fine. You?" I retort.

"Oh, I'm fine. So are you back in London? Staying with Oli?" He continues.

"Yes. Harry? You're not my therapist anymore." I chuckle.

His cheeks flush.
"I totally went into therapy mode. Sorry."

"It's okay. I want to hear about you, though. We've spent months talking mostly about me." I say.

"What do you want to know?" He wonders. Smiles.

"Everything. Anything you want to share." I reply.

"Oh, ehm... I'm originally from Holmes Chapel. I have an older sister, Gemma. I'm 28, oh, and totally gay." He smirks.

My heart jumps.

"Yep. Just wanted to put it out there." He chuckles.

"So, if I would ask you out on a date?" I wonder. Bravery. If my time in prison has taught me anything it's that life is too short for not going for it.

"I would accept in a heartbeat." He says breathlessly.

"Good." I smile.

He pouts.
"Are you gonna ask me out or what?"

I giggle. Lean in. Cups his face. Looks him in the eyes for permission before I kiss him. Soft lips meet mine. Tongue. Wet mouth. Wonderful.

When we have to come up for air we both grin like idiots.
"Do you wanna go out on a date with me?"



I get my old job back. My old students are happy to see me.

My life is back on track. I couldn't be happier. Best of all; Harry.

We went on a first date. It was perfect. One date turned to ten.

We officially became a couple after a month. I'm so in love with him. He assures me he feels the same way.

The guys are happy for us. We hang out a lot. They've welcomed me with open arms. Oli too.

I still live with Oli. For now. Harry has asked me to move in with him. I know it's fast but it feels right. I think I'm just gonna go for it. Dive in, head first. I'm scared to dream again but I've been given a second chance and I'm going to make the most of it.

The End

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