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"I can't go into a courtroom looking like this!" I freak.

I still have bruises on my face. Faded. Sure. But still noticeable. Lottie lumps down beside me. She's getting big.
"That's where makeup does the trick."

"Makeup? Seriously Lots." I huff.

"It won't show. Come on." She smiles.

I let her put stuff on my face. Fascinated about all the things hiding in her makeup bag. When she's finished I examine myself in the mirror. I look okay. The bruises are gone. Hidden.
"Thanks!" I beam.

I'm nervous. This is my one chance to get my life back. What if the jury doesn't believe in my innocence? I can't go back to jail.

Greg, my attorney speeded up the process as soon as he heard about the incident. The police have re-investigated the case. Robert Carlsson has been questioned. This is it.

I take the stand first. They're all there. My family, Oli, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. I get to tell my side of the story. The truth. I try to smile. Look at the jury. Answer the questions as we have prepared. The opposite attorney grills me as well. I hope I did well.

Then Harry takes the stand as my character witness. I have no idea what he's gonna say.
"Mr. Styles, please state your relation to Mr. Tomlinson."

"Professional. I work as a psychologist at the Wakefield prison where Mr. Tomlinson has been for the last five months. I've had daily contact with him since he arrived." Harry replies.

"And why is that?" Greg asks.

"Mr. Tomlinson struggled. He needed someone to talk to, and well, that's my job." Harry says. Smiles.

"So, you must have gotten to know him well then." Greg states.

"Yes." Harry agrees.

"What is your professional assessment of Mr. Tomlinson?" Greg wonders.

I lean forward. Stare at him. Interested in what he has to say. He glances at me.
"Mr. Tomlinson shows no signs of psychopathy. He's in fact very empathic. Neither does he hold any hate towards the LGBTQ+ community. Mr. Tomlinson isn't aggressive. He has been a model prisoner, engaging in our program to help troubled teens. Something he has been excellent at."

I beam. Nice words. It's the prosecution's turn.
"Mr. Styles, isn't it true that Mr. Tomlinson has been in two fights with another inmate, Mr. Sinaga, a gay man? How can you say that Mr. Tomlinson isn't aggressive?"

"Self-defence. Mr. Sinaga who serves a sentence for several rape charges against males has been targeting Mr. Tomlinson. I do not think that trying to protect yourself from being raped is the same as being aggressive. Mr. Tomlinson surely didn't ask to be targeted." Harry snorts.

He leaves the stand after that. Smiles at me encouragingly. Next is one of the police officers that re-investigated the case. He hadn't been one of the officers that had the case originally. He states to the jury that there's inconsistency in the events that happened and that they have a new suspect.

Next up is Lisa, the woman from the club. She testifies about witnessing the disagreement between the victim and another male who she confirms is Robert Carlsson, the man in custody at the moment.

Greg shows the evidence that said Mr. Carlsson purchase a knife just like the one used in the murder. The forensic guy testifies that the murderer is left-handed and explains how they know that.
"Let's put on the record that Mr. Tomlinson is right-handed. Mr. Carlsson is lefthanded but that's for another trial."

Finally, Greg holds a forceful closing statement. The opposite side tries to remind the jury that I've already been sentenced for this crime. That my fingerprints are on the knife and that I was caught on the scene.

Now we just have to wait. I'm exhausted. Nausea. What if the jury still finds me guilty?

My family tries to comfort me. I can't think. Legs bouncing. Two hours later the jury has a verdict. I'm about to faint. Somehow I make it to the front. Sit down. I have to stand up again. My palms are sweaty.
"We find the defendant not guilty."

I don't know if I heard them correctly. It can't be true. Then I hear the cheering. Oli comes running. Hugs me. My sisters. The guys. Harry hugs me. I wrap my arms around him. Burst out in tears. I'm so relieved. Happy.

We walk outside. Journalists. Everywhere. I try to hide my face. Hurry to the car. Greg makes a short statement.
"You're free!" Oli grins.

"Yeah." Shock. "Fuck, I can't believe it. Now what? I have no place to live. No job. I sold my pieces of furniture. Got rid of my apartment." I panic.

A hand on mine. Harry.
"Louis, you're free. That's just... You'll get all of that again. You have a chance to do that now. Free."

I smile at him. I really am. Free.
"You can stay with me." Oli offers.

"Thanks, mate. I'll take you up on that offer, but first I want to go home to Doncaster, you know spend some time with the family." I reply.

"Of course." Oli says.

I have to go back to the prison. Sign papers. Pack my things. I look around in my cell. Shiver. I have never been more grateful to leave a place. The guys help me carry my things. We walk outside the prison. My family is waiting in the parking lot. Liam, Zayn, and Niall hug me. Hand me papers with their phone numbers.
"Don't be a stranger." Niall grins.

Harry holds me back. He holds out a piece of paper as well.
"My number."

"I'll use it. Thanks, Harry. For everything." I say. Hug him.

"Talk to you soon?" He asks. Sounding hopeful. We lock eyes. My sister honks the horn.

"Yeah, bye for now." I smile. Get in the car.

He watches me leave. Raises a hand. Zayn, Liam, and Niall are waving behind him like crazy. They return to the prison. I rest my head against the seat. Sigh.
"Are you okay?" Lottie asks.

"Yeah." I realize that I finally am.

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