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"Why the hat and sunglasses Nialler?" Zayn asks, sounding amused.

"Secret mission." Niall wheezes and looks around at the people in the club.

It's Saturday and they have decided to spend the night in the same club where Louis was that night. Harry is chatting with the bartender, trying to find out how many regulars there are here tonight. Liam, Zayn, and Niall are sitting at a table, drinking a beer.

Harry returns.
"Alright, the bartender pointed at some of the regulars so I'll talk to them. Spread out and try to talk to as many people as possible."

"And say what exactly?" Liam wonders.

"Ask them if they saw two men arguing by the toilets that night, or outside. Ease into it." Harry says.

"How do you ease into that conversation?" Niall questions.

"I don't know. Use your charm." Harry says.

They split up and spend the next two hours talking to people. They gather again after ordering beers.
"So?" Harry asks.

"Nothing." Liam sighs. Zayn shakes his head.

"It was a bust, but a lot of guys asked me out on a date." Niall grins.

"You're straight." Zayn points out.

"I know! But it's nice to get asked." Niall huffs.

"Someone must have seen something!" Harry whines.

"We'll try again next weekend." Liam says.

Harry is disappointed. For every day that goes by Louis is missing one day of freedom, and he's at risk of being raped. He can't stand the thought of that.

He lays awake for hours after they go home from the club. Trying to think of ways to help Louis. Finds a piece of paper and makes a list. What do they need to prove Louis' innocent?

A new suspect. Witnesses. A great lawyer. He sighs. It's like finding a diamond in the sand of the Sahara. Maybe they're looking at it the wrong way? Maybe it would be easier to find witnesses that can place Louis inside the club if they can somehow prove that the man got stabbed before Louis got there? Like, there must be some proof in the forensic report? Estimated timeframe? Maybe he has watched too much Bones or something but it's worth looking into and he knows just the person to call.

He falls asleep and the next morning he gives one of his friends from University a ring.
"Hi Ed, it's Harry. How are you?"

After exchanging pleasantries he cuts to the case.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor? Do you remember the Louis Tomlinson trial?"

"Of course. It was all over the news. Why?" Ed asks curiously.

"Well, Louis is an inmate at my prison. Could you pull the forensic report? I just want to check something?" Harry asks. Ed works as a forensic, but he wasn't on this case.

"I guess. Why? What's going on?" Ed wonders curiously.

"I just have a few question marks I have to sort out." Harry replies. Avoid saying too much.

"Alright, now I'm curious." Ed laughs.

"No need. I can send you an official request so you won't get in trouble. Therapy purposes." Harry offers.

"Yeah, thanks. We should meet up soon." Ed says.

"Absolutely. I'll text you later." Harry replies and they hang up.

Harry puts some clothes on and heads to the prison. He writes the request and files it. Leaves before someone sees him. It's his day off after all. He has to fight the urge to visit Louis. It can wait until tomorrow. He doesn't want Louis to get the wrong idea. If they had met outside this prison things could have been different. He had probably asked him out on a date. Definitely.

He returns to his flat and can't relax. He decides to give Niall a call.
"Hi mate, what's up?"

"I'm restless. I can't get this case out of my head." Harry grunts.

"You mean Louis?" Niall asks, sounding cheerful.

"Yeah. I called Ed. He's gonna get me the forensic report. Maybe we'll find something there." Harry says.

"Smart! What do you say if I ask Greg to look at the case as soon as we have collected new evidence?" Niall suggests.

Greg is his older brother. A fearless defense lawyer. A really great one.
"That would be awesome! Yes!" Harry agrees.

They talk some more. Both trying to find new angles to approach it. When they hang up Harry glances at the time and grabs his car keys. He returns to the club, hoping to see Louis' friend Oli. He's lucky. The ginger-haired man is sitting in a booth. He approaches him.
"Oli? Remember me? Harry."

"Louis' therapist. Of course. Take a seat." Oli smiles.

Harry sits opposite him. Twist in his seat. He doesn't know where to start.
"So what brings you here?" Oli asks, eyeing him curiously.

"If I tell you something can you keep it from Louis for now?" Harry wonders.

"That depends on what you want to tell me." Oli chuckles.

Harry takes a deep breath. Ruffles his hair.
"I think he's innocent."

Oli's eyes grow wide.
"You do? That's great! Wait, why can't Louis know that?"

"I don't wanna give him false hope. Not until I have something to show for. I've started to look into it. I thought that maybe we could work together on this?" Harry suggests.

"Sure. What have you found so far?" Oli asks excitedly.

"Nothing, unfortunately." Harry sighs and Oli looks disappointed. He adds "but I ordered the forensic report. I hope that I will find something useful in there, oh, and I might have a good lawyer for him."

Oli smiles.
"That's great! It's a start."

They discuss it some more before it's time for Harry to leave. They exchange phone numbers.
"Please watch over Louis inside that horrible place. He's not cut out for jail." Oli pleads.

"I'm doing my best to keep him safe." Harry replies softly.

He goes home and stares at his bedroom wall before he gets up and writes Louis Tomlinson on a post-it. He attaches it to the wall. Then he starts his work laptop and pulls his file. Scribble things on notes. Put them on the wall. Shakes his head. This is very serial killer behavior. Next, his wall will be filled with photos of Louis. No. He just has to sort things. Follow leads. Add and remove stuff. So he won't leave something out. Miss something important.

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