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"Why are you here?" A grumpy teenager asks me.

That throws me off completely. I can't exactly plead my innocence.

"Shit! Dude! Really?" The boy says and sits up in his chair.

"Really. 25 years. I'll be an old man when I get out." I say. Watch his reaction.

"Well, you killed someone." He snorts. Crosses his arms over his chest. Defensive.

"Right. So you believe in punishment for crimes?" I ask.

"Murderer, yes. I just did drugs." He huffs.

"So did I." I reveal.

"Well, no offense dude but I would never kill someone." He says. Looks scared. Like I'm gonna jump him.

"I thought the same and here I am. Look, the path you're on only leads in one direction. Maybe not today, maybe not next year but eventually. Don't you have dreams? Things you want to do? I can promise you that you won't achieve any of it from a jail cell." I say harshly.

He just pouts. Stare at me. Shrugs. Our time is up. He gets up and leaves. I slouch. Let out a grunt. Rub my face. Harry comes up to me.
"That went well."

"What? It was a disaster!" I protest.

"No Louis. It was a great first meeting. I listened in. You said all the right things. Remember that it will take some time to get through to him. Just keep trying." He smiles.

"Well, I have a lot of time on my hands." I smirk. Sarcastically.

He looks sad for my sake. Glance around the room before he leans in.
"Liam will take you out for a smoke now. We'll meet you there."

I nod my head. Walk up to Liam.
"I want a smoke break."

He looks over my shoulder. Tilts his head. Secret signal for Harry. If this hadn't been such a serious situation I would have found it funny. They could get in trouble for conspiring with me, helping me. They have a friend for life. I can never repay them for what they're trying to do for me but I will sure as hell try. Even if they don't succeed I will forever be grateful that they believed in me. It has to work!

I pass Sinaga on my way to my courtyard. He smacks my ass and shouts "Mine!"

Liam reprimands him but he just grins. Evil. I try to shake it off.
"Are you okay?" Liam asks quietly as we continue down the hallway.

"A serial rapist thinks my ass belongs to him. No, but I'll manage." I mutter.

"Not under my watch." Liam says sternly.

"Well, you don't live here but I do." I huff.

He doesn't comment on it. We reach the courtyard and I take out my pack of cigarettes and light one. A couple of minutes later Zayn, Niall, and Harry join us. We stand in a ring and look at each other. I smoke the last of my cigarette and put it out.

"Right. We have a couple of questions." Harry says and pulls out a notebook. I raise an eyebrow.


"Did you see anyone in that alley? Anything suspicious?" Harry asks.

I think about it. Sigh.
"No. I was focused on the man bleeding out and I was also drunk."

"Did you witness the argument by the toilets between the victim and another man?" Harry asks.

"Nope. My friend Oli did though. You should talk to him." I answer.

"I did. He can't remember what he looked like." Harry replies.

"Great." I sigh.

"Anything else you can think of?" Liam wonders.

"Not right now. Trust me, I will go over that night over and over again. Thank you for trying to help me, but most importantly for believing me." I say, a bit emotionally.

They smile at me. I smile back.
"My brother is a really good defense attorney. I will ask him to review your case when we have something more to go on." Niall says.

"Really? That's fantastic!" I say. I can't believe it. They're really trying.

It's time for dinner. Zayn escorts me back to my cell. He lingers.
"Louis? If you actually did this, please come clean. Harry is a really great guy and he's risking a lot. He doesn't deserve to be taken advantage of."

"I would never do that. I'm not lying." I say. Stare him down.

He nods his head.

I eat my dinner. Go for a smoke. Shower. Play FIFA. Lost in my head. Going over that night over and over again. Nothing pops out. Nothing.

I write it down. Every detail I can remember. Sectioning it. Early night. Middle. Late night. Alley.

I'm frustrated. Upset. I need something.

Days go by. Weeks turn into months. The black hole surrounding me is getting bigger and bigger. Devouring me. I'm standing on the edge, trying to not fall in, give in.

My work in the program helps. I help. The teen I first met is doing great. I've moved on to the next one. He's a handful. Tough. But I'll get there. I just have to be patient.

My daily talks with Harry keep me sane. I tell him everything. He tells me things as well. This isn't the typical patient-therapist relationship. We don't cross any lines. But I'm falling for him. He's amazing. That I don't tell him. That's taboo. I'm not sure about his sexuality and even if he's into guys I don't stand a chance anyway. He would never fall for a patient. He's professional.

It's ironic. The universe is fucked up. When I finally find someone who is perfect for me, someone who is everything I didn't know I needed, I'm in prison. In the eyes of the public, I'm a monster. It kills me. Thinking about how people see me. How that affects my family. I'm sure they've gotten comments. I'm sure my old classmates discuss it. Louis Tomlinson, I always knew there was something wrong with him. People are vicious. Vultures. Gossip thirsty.

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