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The weekend came and went. Quietly. Before this, I was usually busy. Always doing stuff. Hung out. Went places. Dated. Lived. I didn't like to be by myself. How things change. The abnormal becomes normal. I'm getting used to a life behind bars. Surrendered.

Before I didn't stop. I didn't question. Didn't reflect. Being stuck in my own company 24/7 has forced me to do a lot of thinking. Soul searching. A lot of wrongs. A few rights.

I know one thing. I want my life to mean something. So if I'm gonna be stuck here for the next 25 years I'm going to try and help as many teens as I can. Do some good. Maybe that will make my life worth something?

I've spent most of the weekend in my cell. A couple of smoke breaks. I'm thankful for my own area. Sinaga hasn't bothered me. I have just passed him once in a corridor. Heart beating fast. A guard beside me so he couldn't hurt me.

I played a lot of FIFA. Read half a book. I'm glad it's Monday. I'm bored out of my mind. I need human connection. When Harry enters my cell I smile. Happy to see him.
"Hi!" I greet over excitedly. No wonder. I haven't talked to anyone in 48 hours.

"Hi, Louis. How are you?" He asks. Takes a seat.

"Honestly?" I question.

"Of course." He replies. Looks at me.

"I'm no good at being alone. I grew up in a big family. I have always had a lot of people around me. Here I'm by myself most of the time. The thought of spending 25 years by myself is overwhelming. How the hell do I cope with loneliness?" I answer. Maybe too truthful. He looks worried.

"The only advice I can give you is to take it day by day and to find something meaningful to do. Keep in touch with your family and friends. Let them visit you. You need them." Harry replies thoughtfully.

I snort. Shake my head. Stare at him.
"What about the program? I know that you have just started but does it feel like something meaningful?" He asks.

I think about it.
"Yeah, if I can help someone to not end up here I have done a good deed."

He smiles.
"I'm sure you're gonna help a lot of teens."

"I hope so." I smile.

"How's the depression?" He asks. Bluntly.

"Manageable." I mutter. Avoid eye contact.

"Suicide thoughts?" He asks. Softly.

My eyes snap to meet his. I shrug my shoulders.
"How bad?" He asks.

"Manageable." I mutter.

He's eyeing me. Pleads.
"Please, Louis. If thoughts turn into plans, please talk to me about it."

Yeah, right. I nod my head. Sigh. We sit in silence for a moment. He checks the time.
"I have to go. I'll see you at two, you know, the program."



Harry hurries to his office. Their talk was upsetting. He knows that Louis is in a bad place emotionally but he hopes that he won't do something drastic. He could throw him in a mattresssed cell with a 24-hour watch but he doesn't want to do that in case he really has to.

He checks his e-mail and Ed has sent him a copy of the forensic report. He immediately clicks on it and starts to read. Furrowed eyebrows. Beating heart. There's nothing out of the ordinary in the report. No time frame. Nothing. He feels like crying. He had really hoped to find some kind of proof in there that pointed at another perpetrator. He reads it again.

He gasps. Read the sentence again.

The perpetrator is left-handed according to how the stab wounds are placed on the victim.

His mind is frantically trying to remember if Louis is left or right-handed. He has to find out right now. He grabs a pen and paper and hurries back to Louis' cell.

"Harry? What's up? Louis asks in confusion.

He hands him the pen and paper.
"Can you write your name for me?"

Louis humors him and grabs the pen and starts to write. Harry stares at him.
"You're right-handed?"

"Yeah, why?" Louis asks. Even more confused.

Harry lets out a breath he has been holding in. He takes a seat. Drops the bomb.
"Okay, so... Ehm, I believe that you're innocent. I don't think you killed that man."

Louis' eyes grow wide. He just stares at him.
"You do?"

"Yeah." Harry confirms.

Louis' eyes tear up.
"Thank you, but what does that have to do with me being right-handed?"

"Don't get your hopes up. We don't have enough to prove your innocence yet but I just read the forensic report and it says that the perpetrator is left-handed." Harry reveals.

Louis gasps.
"What? That's proof that I didn't do it! How can my attorney have missed that? We have to contact the judge! Get me another trial."

He sounds so excited. Harry feels awful.
"It's not enough. I'm sorry, Louis! We need to find more before we take it to trial again."

Louis gets up. Pace back and forth.
"Damn it! I want to get out of here!"

"I shouldn't have told you. Got your hopes up. Crap. I'm so sorry Louis." Harry says. Voice trembling.

"No, Harry. This means everything to me. You believe me. Wait, why did you say we?" Louis questions.

"Oh, Niall, Zayn, and Liam are also convinced. We're working on it together." Harry says.

Louis just stares at him and then he takes a step forward. Harry freezes but he just pulls him in for a hug. Harry lets him.
"Thank you."

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