𝑻𝒐 𝑴𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌 💐💋

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( Not Edited Yet )
All (Y/N) POV :

𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 :

We all know Luca is a puppy aka a golden retriever, he just gives off that adorable bright energy. Tho what his girlfriend found out was that he is a flirty drunk.

When streaming I have a sign on my door showing if I'm streaming or not and so does my sweet Himbo boyfriend Luca. While I was in the middle of an among us collab with some of other members of Nijisanji EN,

we were in the middle of the discussion when I felt a tap on my shoulder "humm?" I turned back to see my big puppy looking down at me "hi Luca baby~" I said after muting myself  "what's wrong baby? Did something happen?" I asked with my arms open, he lifted me up and took my spot on the chair placing me on his lap, his head now in my neck.

"No I just miss you and you have been streaming all day, it's unpog to stream without giving me kisses" an adorable pout on his lips, I chuckles a bit grabbing his cheek with my hand planting a kisses on his lips feeling him kiss back, he bite the bottom of my lips lightly, "better now pouting baby" gently stroking his hair, only to be answered with a nod. I could tell by the small kiss that he has drank a bit before coming to me, "baby did you drink something" I asked my flirty baby "I did~ could you taste it " he spoke hugging me tightly.I turned back to my screen and unmuted myself "(Y/N) did something happen?" Pomu asked "No I'm fine sorry guys my puppy missed me~" I said feeling Luca face heat up on my neck and nibbling on my neck lightly.


𝙎𝙝𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤 :

Mr. "Sorcerer? I hardly even know 'er!" Is known to be professional and know what's he's doing, he also is very organized but the lines start to blur when you add some alcoholic into the equation. Cutely his girlfriend discovered he is a sleepy drunk.

I was watching my little nerd boyfriend play getting over it after his Karaoke stream with a few of our other friends mainly Peter and a few other coming in and out of the call. I was a bit busy doing some work helping Shu finish his schedule and such like the good girlfriend I am, I decided to go grab some water after working on the schedule when I noticed some beer missing "Shu drinking on stream? That new, I better go check on him" I laughed a little at the thought of my boyfriend drunk.

I make my way to his office door and peeked in only to hear "Fu-chan play getting over it with me, please Fu-chan~" you could hear the slurs In his sleepy voices. I walked in placing my hand on his shoulder spooking him a bit "everyone look (Y/N)~ is Here!" he said excited he pulled me into him hugging my waist, I can just feel his cheek rubbing into my stomach "Hi baby, Hi chat, hi everyone sorry about this baby" I smiles gently playing with his hair.

Shu pulled me down into his lap and continued to play the game like nothing happened, My cheek were tinted red, this is the first time Shu has been this affectionate to me on stream it's amazing but still embarrassing. "(Y/N) Fu-chan won't play with meee" he pouted looking down at me, he gently cupped mu cheek as the background was filled with 'ohhhh~' from the other members. Shu covered the camera with his hand and with this action he lean down erasing the space between our lips, it wasn't long and bit sloppy but it was filled with love and passion.

I was the one to pull away covering my face out of embarrassment as he let his hand go form the camera, the other members teasing us but in his drunken state Shu has no shame but his girlfriend aka me was an blushing mess, "chat I think it's time for Shu to head to bed, good night chat" I waved good bye before ending the stream and saying good bye to thier friends. "What a hand full you are Mr. yamino" I sighs helping him stand up "just for you future Mrs. Yamino".

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