𝑵𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 🌻🐑

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( Not Edited Yet )
All 3rd POV :

𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 :

You had decided to sneak around the base as you waited for Your husband to be done his meeting, exploring the halls of the huge building, waving and passing by many lucubs with a smiles.

"Humm this should be Luca office" you smiled before walking right in. You where looking around his desk seeing a photo of you and him together on your wedding day with the rest of luxiem smiling behind Luca and the girls behind you.

You could help but smiles at the photo of you both. Before you walked around the desk you noticed his fur jacket on the couch. A small graced your lips, before placing the slightly heavy jacket over your shoulder as you took a seat in his spot.

You could feel the warmth and sent of his jacket around you as you sunk into the jacket cuddling into the fabric. You couldn't help but let your eyes droop, closing them due to you finding comfort in the familiar sent.

While his dear wife was asleep, Luca had just finished his meeting, he walked back looking for his dear, before he gave up a bit tired from the meeting. "Where could they be?" He questioned himself, but as the door of his office was opened, he noticed a small tuff a hair surrounded by white fur.

He gave a smile and small chuckles before he walked into the desk, he gently lifted your smaller body up taking your place on the chair before setting you down onto his lap. He had continue whatever work was left as you rested on his body.

He couldn't help but stare at you as he covered his face with one hand, his cheek and ears red, " Fuck their so cute " he chuckles and smiled looking down at you with the softest gaze.


𝙎𝙝𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤 :
Shu was out in a meeting with some of them luxiem member, but you stayed home waiting for him, and make some food for the rest of luxiem.

"Humm~" you smiles as you took a taste of what you had made, you gave a smile of approval. You decided you were done and decided to leave the food on the table for the boys to enjoy when they get back, you decided take a small nap on the couch waiting for the boys to come back.

Just before you closed your eyes you sent out a txted to the group chat telling them about dinner, getting responses like :

L - HELL YA thanks (Y/N)
S - thanks love
I - thanks for dinner (Y/N)
V - sweet, thank hun, I'll do the dishes tonight

Shu had stretched back as he got out of the car on the passenger side seat, "come on boys (Y/N) made dinner and I'm hella excited"  Luca yells as he got out as of the car making his way to the house.

As the boys walked inside they smelt the amazing smell, and went straight to the dinning room, but the sorcerer looked around seeing his lover's sleeping face in the living room.
"I already had something to eat before the meeting, and I think I'm going to take them back to rest properly" Shu picked you up gently walking upstairs after saying his good nights.

He had quietly opened the door of your shared room before setting you down on the bed, using his sorcery to change your clothes while his back was to you changing himself into more comfortable clothes. He had gotten back into the bed with you holding you closely "thank you for your hard work love" he gently set a kiss on your forehead holding you close to him, drifting off to sleep with the sound of your heartbeat


𝙄𝙠𝙚 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 :

Ike was deep in typing away on his next novel in bed late at night, the clicking of the keyboard was the loudest sound in the room but because of his job they were both used to the sound, sometimes even finding it calming.

He had just sent his last few chapters to his editor to finish off before he turned to the side to see you sleeping with a book resting on your chest, he couldn't help but give a chuckles before moving the book to the table and your head on his chest.

He couldn't help but help relax his fingers by running them though your hair. He found it therapeutic and relax knowing you are his and with him though so much of his new life in the future. "Thank you dear for helping me in his new time" he spoke with a kiss to your forehead.

"Humm~ no problem Ikey~" your sleepily mumbled sipes though your tired expression. You looked up at him and leaned up planting a light kiss in his lips with a small tired grin "I love you lke" your voice small and quiet.

"(Y/N) ... -" his cheek and ear red " I love you to dear" he smiles, even after all theses months of being together he still can't help but blush when you kiss him,and you found it adorable.


𝙈𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙖 𝙍𝙞𝙖𝙨 :

Mysta was already using to streaming early in the morning and such so it wasn't uncommon for him to come downstairs to get some snacks and go back upstairs, but this has changed when a certain someone had walked into his life.

On his way to the kitchen he noticed a tuff of hair poking out form the couch, he walked closer to see you, he couldn't help but smiles as you resting peaceful. He looked around the room seeing no one was around he decided to lay down with you shifting you on top of him as he holds you gently.

Rested there in the living room deep in sleep when a few of the members had walked in and saw the couple, Luca snickered as he took photos sending it the the nijisanji en group chat. Both of they were going to get a big teasing the next time they log back in.


𝙑𝙤𝙭 𝘼𝙠𝙪𝙢𝙖 :

It was known that Vox and you are together by his fans and your fans, so when he had his cooking stream, the chat had a little surprise in the end.

"And I think that a wrap" he smiles at the camera, but his eyes had been distracted behind the camera in the kitchen. The chat was busy spamming 'daddy please cook for me' or something but some did notice and asked what he was looking at.

"What am I looking at? You really wanna know chat~" he smirks before he stood up and grabbed the camera and he turned it back to see you sleeping on big chair behind the camera.

"Looks like my camera man is asleep" he chuckles, without realizing he had been running his hands though your hair, and the chat was going wild at this cute interaction.

"Oh shit my bad chat, well thank you for coming" he smiled before he waved bye and set down the camera and took off his mic.

"Darling~ it's over, let's get you some where more comfortable" he chuckles as he gently picked you up bride style walking up to your shadows room. He set you down gently before trying to walk away, but was stopped by a small hand stopped him.

"Humm~ stay please" he heard a small voice call out, the man's heart was already squeezing due to the cute reaction, but he listen to the request and laid down next to you. Keeping an arm over your waist spooning you form behind.


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