𝑷𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑫𝒐𝒈 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔 🐑🌻

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𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 :

Luca may be the golden retriever of Nijisanji but the others could't deny that you were also one too especially with the cute eyes you used to get whatever you want, and you took that skill and used it whenever you wanted something from your sweet boyfriend no matter what situation he would always give in to you.

It was almost time for Luca to leave for other meeting, of course being head of the mafia he had a lot to do and many meeting, you missed him because he wasn't home a lot of the time and when he was he was streaming,

"Luca can I come with you" you smile your head on his chest, his arms around your waist and the other rubbing you back, "babe you know I can't, I don't want them to look at you, your mine and to pretty those old men to be looking at" he growled the last part, you chuckles lightly and sighed.

"please Luca ... I promise I'll only stay with you" you said in a soft and sweet voice looking up at him giving him the puppy dog eyes, you knew he couldn't resist your eyes, you saw he had covered his eyes but it was to late, he had already seen the face you were making,

"..... fuck fine" he sighed looking away, "but you have to sit on my lap for the whole meeting, got it, I don't want others to look at you without me knowing, I'll make sure to keep them in their place if they ever dare to look me in the eyes" he said in a stern tone, you smile brightly and nodded Hugging him tightly and planting a kiss on his cheeks before running off to get ready, you sat up and sighed knowing he had fallen gain for your puppy dog eyes.


𝙎𝙝𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤 :
Shu is someone that share and he's talking nice, of course he would give you whatever you want when you need it. He was to kind but you weren't the same. You like to keep thing to yourself but shu was the exception.

You where in the office with cookie you had made for yourself to have later, everyone had been asking to have a bite of the cookies, some even begging, such as alban, Mysta, and Luca. you didn't hesitate to give them a pinch on the cheek before tell them to get lost.

That was until Shu knocked on your door even when you told him he didn't need to, but said he would still out of respectfully, you smiled and couldn't help but cuddle and kiss his cheeks " aww Shu your to sweet you know you don't need to knock" he smiled blush a bit his ears red "h-hey (Y/N) may I have some of those cookie you brought in,you don't have to if you want to" Shu said but you could tell he wanted some by his eyes, you walked to your bag and handed him an extra bag of cookie just for him "go enjoy them Shu, But don't share,theses are only for you" you smiled kissed his cheek before he left for his next meeting.

Shu was sitting in the meeting room waiting for Staff-san, he tried the cookie and smiles, it was good, he loved the sweets you make him. "and then (Y/N) smacked me and Gave me a pice of candy . . . hey Shu were did you get those?" Mysta asked sitting next to him "(Y/N)" he smiles eating the rest of the cookie with a smirk on his lips. "WHAT THE FU-" Mysta was cut off my Ike. They all chuckles but Mysta and Luca pouted wanting some.

𝙄𝙠𝙚 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 :
Ike was someone that is kind and would give them whatever they needed when he could give, but food was a different story. Tho he would share a bit but it was different when it come to his drinks especially the Blue Rockstar that he could barely find anywhere.

You and Ike were in the Nijisanji EN Offices for a meeting, It was you, your group and Luxiem for a collab happening soon, you were sitting next to Ike of course laying your head on his shoulder, Ike was listening while he drinking his last blue rockstar, the other were curious on what it tasted like and tried to grab it only to be reprimanded by getting a hand slap or a glare form Ike.

You had zoned out before tapping his shoulder "Ike can I have a sip" you looked at him with your puppy dog eyes, he looked away and nodded sliding it over to you "fine but don't drink it all ok?" He smiles gently patting your hair, "Ok Ikey~" you smiled taking a few sips, the other member just looked at you confused and jealous that you got a sip and they didn't, you only stuck your tongue out snuggling closer to Ike.


𝙈𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙖 𝙍𝙞𝙖𝙨 :
Mysta is your baby you couldn't say much, it made you so happy that he had enough courage to confess to you first even tho he was one of the shyest boys you have ever meet, of course you baby him everything, but that's was the past now, He had grown to be stronger, smarter, and more confident... a bit.

You had been having drinks when you wanted to stay longer to drink but Mysta was already drunk and wanted to go home, you gently patted his head saying in a bit.

You could feel Mysta tug on your shirt looking up at you with his adorable blue eyes asking to go home, you couldn't say no, "sorry guys I can't stay longer I have thing to do~" you smiled kissed Mysta forehead, you help Mysta up walking out and calling a taxi "thank you (Y/N), I'm sorry I had to cut down on your social time..." Mysta said in a safe tone, you chu a big kissing him gently "Mysta stop I would do anything for you dear, I don't need so much social time when I have you".


𝙑𝙤𝙭 𝘼𝙠𝙪𝙢𝙖 :
Vox was a bit of a man who was very of a dominant man and he knew how to and when to say no, but you were something that could always brake that rule and get away with it,

You where walking with him to the studio when you saw a new black and red teddy on display , it reminded you of Vox and you really wanted it because you knew Vox was a busy man streaming and such so you wanted something to cuddle when he was, but you knew you couldn't because you and Vox had a deal only 1 stuffy a month because of how many you had, but you knew a way a get past this deal.

You gently wrapped your arms around his arm pressing really close to it, "Voxy, can I get that?" You smiled pointing at the stuffed bear, you only gave a sigh "dear we have already gotten one, remember our deal darling" you said finally looking at your face, his eyes glare knowing that you knew what those eyes did to him.

"I- fuck you knew know my weakness.." he sighed handing you his card, you smiled and kissed him gently nodded, bit putting it back i. His hand "I'll get it after we are done, thank you Vox, I love you" you smile holding him tighter, now let's get on to the studio!" You smiled. He chuckles and nodded


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