" 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 "

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Luca x reader
❝ 𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 ❞
Note : idk if I'm vibbing with this chapter might re-do or delete later :)

Summary :
You and Luca have been together for a while, but they haven't told anyone about it because he wanted to keep you safe. Only Luxiem knows about our secret. Luca's second in command. But one day you had a mission with Vox, about having to deal with some people. You both decided to split because they started running in different directions, but once you had both split thay had caught you off guard. Vox had finished his target but when he went to go find you, he saw you in such a weak state. Vox started carrying you back to the base, while Luca was at the door waiting to welcome you both back but all he saw was your limp body in Vox's arms. After Luca took you from Vox, he brought you back to his room letting you rest, while Luca wanted his revenge on them and being the mafia that he is, he got it.


I was in the middle of getting ready for my next mission with Vox. I had double checked all my equipment. I Was almost done when i heard the door open, I then felt a pair of arms around my waist as I softened up in his arms ''Luca what is it? I have a mission soon" I said turning around wrapping my hands around his neck. He leaned down resting his head on mine, "I know dear, i just . . . was talking to Uki today and he said he had a bad feeling about today" I could tell he's worried, "Luca i'll be fine, i'm the top assassin of our Mafia group, this will be just like any other mission" you said trying to reassure him, he sighed and nodded giving me a kiss on the forehead "Ok i trust you, but please be careful, I'll be waiting for you" Luca smiles walking out of the room. You followed after going downstairs to Vox who was waiting with the others. We waved goodbye as we got into the car, "Ready?'" Vox smirked "Yeah, let's get this over with" you said in your monotone voice.
We made it to the Hotel where the men should be in "let's split up so we can get this over with" I spoke walking in first and Vox followed behind me "Anything for you Sweetie~"

Vox teased, we parted ways in the lobby to get to our target . "Fuck!" I yelled running after the man in the halls into a hallway with a dead end. The man had his back to the wall. I was about to take my weapon out, but I was too distracted to notice the other guys behind me. With a hard whack on the head my world went black.

Vox Pov :
I had been waiting in the lobby for (Y/N) and I didnt see them for a while 'What's taking them so long?' I asked myself, I saw a few ladies rushing around and a staff member panicking. I decided to see what's up. My gut did not settle well with me as I walked closer to the staff. "Excuse me, may I ask what the rush is about?" I said in a calm tone, "Umm . . . Well, there was a person found in the back alley and we can't find anyone who knows them or their personal information" they said worried. My body froze "Did the person say a name . . . such as Luca?" I asked, not wanting it to be true, "yes, they did keep saying that name, do you know them?-" "Yes! Please bring me to them now!" I yelled, they nodded and walked me to the back alley, I was afraid to say but it was (Y/N) in the corner crying. I was confused, this was the first time i have ever seen (Y/N) so vulnerable and afraid, I took my time and slowly walked closer "(Y/N) . . it's me Vox, let's head home ok? Luca is waiting for you" I tried to soothe them but it didn't work, i had no choice but to use The Voice "Sleep.'' I commanded, they slumped over on the wall, I picked up the passed out assassin, "I'm sorry (Y/N) I should have gone with you". I walked to the car, placing them in the back seat and back home. I took one last look, noticing that their ring was missing.

3rd POV :
Luca waited for his lover to come home, he was playing with his wedding ring worried that something bad was going to happen. Ike and Shu kept saying that they would be fine and will be back soon, and they were right in one part but not the other. "Luca, they are back-" Shu said looking out the window, but his face was shocked and saddened once he said "I think you should hurry luca . . '' Shu said, Luca knew something was up and ran out his office and down the stairs, the other members were watching from the side of the entrance, their face full of shock as Vox walked in with a sadded look. His head hung low as your Unconscious body was in his arms, Luca had no expression on his face as he took you from Vox's arms "I- Im sorry Luca I should have stayed with them . ." Vox said feeling bad, "Stop it, we both know it was their plan, I don't blame you Vox, thank you for getting them back here though , i'll take it from here" Luca's happy tone was gone, only a sorrow and serious tone was left "Shu, Ike, Mysta find out who did this and have them here ASAP." he commanded, walking upstairs with you in his arms, Luca could feel your body still shaking even when passed out.

Luca had been watching you sleep peacefully for a week. In your shared bed, he runs his hands through your hair, Luca was glad you were sleeping and staying in bed. The others wanted to see you but Luca didn't let them in, if they saw you, they wouldn't have believed it was you. You right now are vulnerable, quiet and small. The others see you as Strong, cold and Bold. "It's ok dear . . im sorry , but I'm here now" Luca said in a hushed tone. A knock was heard on the door, "Who is it ." He commanded "It's us Luca" he heard Ike say, Luca stood up from the bed and closed the curtains around the bed letting them in, "Are they here?." he asked, the others went through this serious Luca for longer than a day, they just nodded "Are my materials all set?" he asked "Yup, it's all there" Mysta spoke with pride" Luca nodded and walked out of the door down the stairs. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw 5 men tied up on their knees with a sack on their head. Luca sat down on the chair at the bottom of the stairs, the mansion door was open letting the rain sound fill the quiet room. Luca didn't have time to get up in the basement for the people who hurt his beloved. So he decided to just do it in the mansion lobby on the white marble floor. The rest of the members were also there wondering what was happening.

Luca pointed at the man in the center who was the man who caused the most pain to his lover. Luca had asked Luxiem to kill the other men in the most painful way they could think of. He saw the wedding ring on the man's finger, he united the man's hand "M-Mr kaneshiro, W-why are me and my men here? And why did you have to kill them" he asked. Luca didn't say anything "because you decided to hurt my family and more importantly my lover" the others gasped hearing the new information. The man knew who he was talking about. The man took off the ring and was about to hand it to Luca when a knife striked down indulging the hand from its arm, causing the ring to drop to the floor with a small sound "You dare give me that back after you almost killed my lover, and steal their wedding ring!" Luca yelled in anger, Luca took out his gun and stuck a bullet right in between the man's forehead. He didn't want to see this trash, "Get rid of this trash." Luca commanded, as he handed the used gun to Shu walking upstairs back to your side. (Someone hit the Mafia Cover rn -Yin)

He unlocked the door, turning the knob as Luca opened the door, seeing you awake. He gave you a smile as he opened his arms for you, you crawled to him hugging him tightly, "I heard the gun fire, is he gone?" You asked, looking up at him "Luca nodded and smiled "yes baby, he's gone."Luca saw you looking down at your finger "what about the ring, did you get it back, Love..?" You asked quietly "I did, but it's filthy now, let's get you a new one, Dear"he kissed your forehead, moving your head closer to his chest, you nodded "its ok now, you have me and i'll make sure no one hurts you ever.. again.." Luca spoke, rubbing your back as you drifted off to sleep.
Yayayaya finally finished editing ^^
Edited by Yin :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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