𝙄𝙠𝙚 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 : Soulmate AU 🪄

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Ike x reader
❝ Something Written on wrist ❞

As a writer Ike always came up with ideas on the go. Sometimes he's not at home, he chooses to write on his wrist and arm. Ike's friends always joke about how much money his soulmate was making because of all the ideas that Ike had written on his wrist. Of course he would also get stuff written on his wrist but instead of book and chapter ideas, written on his wrist would be recipes for different types of drinks, mostly coffees and teas. Curiosity got the best of him, as he tried to make some of the drinks and he enjoyed them. Sometimes he would even see some title ideas he had written on his wrist with a list of how to make this type of drink, and it would fit the name so well.

You were just a normal person working as a barista during the day and a bartender for extra cash. You didn't have a hard life but it wasn't exciting either plus it was too busy to even get time to yourself, but when you do have free time you would enjoy a book or two with a nice cup of coffee or tea. Of course your favorite author was a man under the name I.EVE . you knew this wasn't his name but just a name to go under for his writing. You have discovered your love for books because you see these plans of story writing on your wrist, all because of your soulmate. You smile seeing how funny or cool these stories would be when he is finished with them.

Working as a bartender at night and a bristrasta during the day, you got the chance to see all different kinds of personalities and interact with all sorts of people, but your favorite person to always come in at odd times was a man named Ike, he was a quiet type of person. Although, he was a man who was always in the corner of the shop with a cup of coffee or a cold glass of coke next to his laptop, but you didn't get to talk to him much due to how busy the shop was, and how concentrated he looked when typing away at his laptop. " Here's your drink Mr. Ike!" you smiled, placing the cold glass of coke on his table.

Ike would always take a lot of time with his paper and pens to write but since he was in a public space with a lot of people he would just bring a laptop to write the following stories, he had in mind. Ike always had his long sleeves on, but today was different. He ceased to roll his sleeves up. It was in the middle of me typing away when a server had dropped off my drink "thank you (Y/N)" Ike smiled at the waiter that always served him, each time he visited the place. He had seen you reading one of his books on your break so he decided that today he would talk to you more, "(Y/N) your break starts soon right? Why don't you join me? " Ike said with a smile, you nodded and agreed to his invitation.

Once your break has commenced , you walked over to his table and took a seat with him, after getting a drink yourself since you were a bit tired and felt like you needed something to energize you a bit for your next shift, "so Ike what do you wanna talk about?" you smiled, taking a sip, Ike smiled back,closing his laptop for a bit, "hmm.. let's see, well i see you like books too, i couldn't help but notice you're also reading I.EVE" he leaps back into his seat. Your eyes brightened and nodded going on and on about why you like his books so much, "-and sometimes i think he's my soulmate because of my wrist"you joke a bit, Ike looked at you with a confused face "wait your wrist ? can i see?" you nodded,getting confused while at it, as you gave your now black wrist to him "may I" he asked with a pen in hand, you nodded, he gently took your wrist and drew a little heart, his own wrist started to tingle, he let go and looked down at his own wrist, a smile graced his lips.

"What is it Ike?" you asked, he lifted his wrist showing the drawing, "I guess you were right (Y/N) your favorite author is your soulmate."Ike moved closer, placing his lips on your soft warm ones. I guess it was just meant to be...

Writer : Cypher
Editor: Yin

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