𝙎𝙝𝙪 𝙔𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤 : Soulmate AU 🪄

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Shu x reader
❝ Red Strings ❞

Shu was a kid from an important family of sorcerers who attend a prestigious school for gifted kids with powers. Everyone in high society knew that Shu would get stronger and achieve more than the rest of the students. Everyone looked up to Shu, but no one ever approached him. He had always felt alone when he finally got it, his pinky finger now had a reminder that there was someone to keep him company out there in the world. it was a red string, he felt even more happy, feeling the string was loose, which meant shu, and his soulmate were closer to each other then they thought.

While Shu was used to that life, you were a simple commoner who had to study your ass off to get into that school. The school saw the talent in your hardwork and you were happy to get the chance to study and make a better life for you and your family. Because there were a handful of commoners in a school full of rich kids. There were a lot of them looking down at you, because of them you didn't dare to step out of line, you felt alone but a string appeared on your pinky, you smiled at the thought of meeting them.

Shu was walking down the halls to his next class holding his books in hands, as he walked, everyone was staring and whispering ;some even waving, but no one ever approached him. A sigh was heard coming out of the sorcerer's mouth as class ended, he was alone the whole time but he took a look at his pinky, seeing the loose string with a small smile. The string was on the floor of the school going around the corner and out of sight, he wanted to follow it but class was about to start again, he walked in hoping the string would not change by the time he left.

As for you, you were just around the corner surrounded by girls telling you that you aren't fit for this school, by the time they had been insulting you, they were already late for class, all you could do was run for your next class. As you sprinted around the corner and to your next class, you didn't notice the string getting looser as you passed a certain class, but she didn't fail to see it.Shu couldn't just leave in the middle of class and during a test, he slowly brought his pinky closer to his lips planting a small kiss on the red string, Shu who knew his soulmate was closer than he thought and in the same school.

This pattern kept going on till they were both in their last year in the academy. I guess the world wasn't ready for them to be together yet because after all these years they haven't crossed paths ever, but this time you were going to change that. Lunch has started and your friend has been telling you about the top student of the year in magic aka your department , " you know (Y/N) i'm surprised you haven't met Shu yet. You and him are in the same department, and both at the top of your studies. What if he's your soulmate and it's fate for you guys to not meet yet OH ! how romantic" your friend gushed leaning into you dramatically, you pushed her off lightly " as if, he's a noble, Shu probably wouldn't stay if he had a commer like me as a soulmate" you sighed wanting to find the person on the end of your red string, "well you don't know Shu yet but, he's kind and would never do that because your a commoner, why don't you just go and follow it when it's lunch time? You can have like half an hour to follow it, it's more than enough time" you just looked at her with wide eyes "holy shit you're right" you stood up and followed the red string .

Shu was with his boys as always when Luca brought up a good point making everyone else disscuss it aswell."S0 shu have any luck with your red string~" Mysta teased, they all laughed at Shu, but then stopped by his small death glare "well no but i know they go to this school" he smiled rubbing the back of his neck "then why don't you just go find them it's lunch and you are in the same school, you have time" luca stated, they all looked at him and then at Shu, "how could i have been so stupid, im goint to do that" shu had a big smile on his face as he left the group to follow the string.

The two of you were sprinting through the school around corners, past groups of people, when you both finally ended up in the school garden, out of breath you took awhile to bring up the courage to look up and finally see the end of the red string, you both looked up your eyes meeting his magenta eyes "Shu ?" you asked "(Y/N)" he said with a smile. You slowly stood up and walked closer to him, he opened his arms for you, and you ran for it. Finally your body's met, you both hugged in a comfortable silence as you both saw the red string around you both loosen and fall around you, "it's finally nice to meet you" shu smiled looking down at you "i can't believe you were here the whole time" he said "same but now we are together right?" you smiled at him "hey (Y/N) wanna meet my friends ?" Shu asked as he let go of you and took your hands in his "ya lets go" . You both looked through the school holding hands with a happy smile, even though you both just met. It felt like you have known him forever.

Writer : Cypher
Editor: Yin

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