❝ Take a break with me ❞ 🌧🌻📩

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Vox x reader ( Not Edited Yet )❝ Take a break with me  ❞︶︶︶︶︶︶The clicking of the keys are heard loudly in the room, the glow of the screen, the clock had hit 2 in the morning, a figure leaning in the doorway watching his beloved work triedly, sla...

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Vox x reader
( Not Edited Yet )
❝ Take a break with me ❞
The clicking of the keys are heard loudly in the room, the glow of the screen, the clock had hit 2 in the morning, a figure leaning in the doorway watching his beloved work triedly, slaving away on their computer so early in the morning. The demon was worried that they would be too tired to meet up with their friends tomorrow.

He tried to get them to rest earlier but he was only met with anger, of course, he knew how important this was for them but I don't think it had fully sunken in that they were holding onto a lot of stress that built up over the project, sadly the hurtful words spilled out from both parties that night.

"Why can't you understand I need to get this done" (Y/N) sighed their arms closed over their chest, foot tapping impatiently on the floor waiting for their lover to move out of the way of their computer. "Don't you understand that you need a break (Y/N) love" Vox pleaded not moving a step from his spot, "How ironic of you saying that task." (Y/N) rolled their eyes at his words "and what is that supposed to mean (Y/N)" he frowned.

"Oh you don't remember ignoring and getting angry at me when I was trying to help you relax when you were debuting asshole" (Y/N) snapped, the hurtful name came out, "let me remember what you said 'Leave me alone for a while you are in the way " Vox eyes widen and tears slowly flowed out of their eyes, he had remembered these words he had spoke to hurt his lover . "do you also remember saying you would take me out as sorry but then have to cut it short to pick up Nina and Ike, even though they told you that we would meet at the hotel" (Y/N) eyes meet Vox, he could see the pain in their eyes"I'm sor-" he was cut off " I FELT SO ALONE VOX! I thought I wasn't as important as your new family in Niji Sanji ..."(Y/N) yelled even more tears falling out their eyes.

"Fuck .. whatever I'm going to sleep in the living room... Night Vox'' (Y/N) wiped the tears from their eyes making their way out of the room-

Vox POV:
I stood still, my head spinning, I hadn't realized I had done all this . . . my hands shaking as that familiar feeling of getting left alone due to my selfish needs, this feeling was creeping all over my body 'no, no, no COME On VOX move, grab them hold them, stop them from leaving' the voices in his head yelled, as their figure walked passed me, without anymore hesitation I quickly grabbed their arm pulling them into My chest, with the force we fall back into the bed. Their body still struggling to get out of my grasp, tears still flowing.

After minutes of silence, they have finally calmed down, staying still, head now resting on my chest. "I'm sorry love, I-I didn't mean to hurt you" I let my hand rake through their hair "I . . I did have something planned after I got Ike and Nina . ." I said looking down to meet their eyes in guilt "what was it Vox" their voice horse and small from crying and yelling "I.. - I'll just show you" I slowly sat up, keeping a tight arm around them. I reached into the drawers of our bedside table pulling out a red velvet box.

"I went to get them to help me find the perfect ring for you... but I'll admit I didn't mean to say these things to say you don't matter or that you are in my way, you are my pathway keeping me going" I gently brought their hands to my lips kissing their hands softly. I finally looked into their eyes only to see more tears "(Y/N) love, I'm sorry please don't cry I love you so much... I'm sorry I'm the reason your beautiful face is strained. I let go of their hands just to cup their face, "N-no, these are happy tears" their voice getting softer, A smile took over making my smile show. Slowly I leaned in sealing our lips together forgetting about the world around us,

"(Y/N), you are the one who has healed my heart, Will you marry me?"

"Yes Vox you stupid demon"

The two of them were giggling and enjoying each other's company, the two were fast asleep due to all the emotions spilled that night.


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