𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖 𝙆𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 : Soulmate AU 🪄

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Luca x reader
❝ sharing the pain ❞

Luca was a mafia boss we know that, and we know the job is not the easiest to do.We know its a job were getting hurt is a must in some ways, but ever since he was young, he hasn't felt much pain from his soul mate, but he was sorry for his soul mate knowing  he gets hurt a lot, but that was back then, now he's the boss and had others to do it for him, but now that his soul mate was an adult too they haven't had an easy life.

(Y/N)'s childhood was full of pain, a lot of back,arm, and leg pain. To them at the time it felt like their soulmate was training for the military, but luckily from them it had stopped around highschool. Sadly, it wasn't over for them, the family business had fallen and now they were doing their best to work for their family, taking on hard working jobs mently and physically.

"(Y/N)  dear can you please take another shift tonight, your dad's  hospital bill is due soon . . " your mom said in a sad, guilty tone "im sorry dear, i want to work more but i have to watch your siblings, as well as work at night" she had a sad look on her face, you walked closer holding her hand lightly, "it's fine mom, i said i would work day and day,so please, don't worry" you smiled trying to keep a happy atmosphere. It was about time to go anyways "i'll be off now, cya mom" you left walking to your job as a waitress for a fancy restaurant.

As you got there your boss informed you and the staff that you guys will be serving for an important party for a powerful family. You all were prepared, and were also told that it would be more money for doing this shift. "Mom, call to stay home and watch the kids, I can get extra money for this one shift, it is as much as I make in a month,'' you said in an excited tone. Your mom didn't want you to work harder but agreed because  of how excited you sounded.

It was time for the event and the boss already informed us about our roles, and you were assigned to be a drink waiter. As we all got to the venue west on the side, waiting for the guest to arrive. We were told to  never go to the second floor unless called for. You grabbed a tray of drinks walking around and giving them out to the guests,and you made your rounds you took a peek up to the second floor seeing a blonde handsome man with a fur coat, your eyes met and your heartbeat picked up, you quickly looked away and without noticing I accidentally bumped on a woman's shoulder causing  all the drinks in my hand to spill all over me and the glass shattered on the ground, you bend down to pick up the glass only to hiss in pain, you got up,"I-im sorry Mis-" you were about to apologize "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SPILL THAT ON ME" she yelled at you.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" you ignored the pain in your hand and started to pick up the rest of the glass shards on the floor.  "YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS" she yelled again pointing at the small wet patch on the bottom of her dress "i can't afford-" a voice boomed through the room making it all silent "i'll pay for it miss" a sweet and strong voice spoke for you "here need some help" that same voice came back but now in front of you, you notice his gloved hand and took it, before you could say anything he took your hand and guide you to the second floor. 

As you both got to the top, he guided you to sit down and went to grab a first aid kit nearby. "Here give me your hand" you nodded and listened to him "thank you sir, i'll make sure to pay you back as soon as possible" you spoke in a polite manner, feeling sad knowing you will lose a lot of money from this shift, "you don't need to talk so formalto me, we are soulmates" he said so casually" . . .  WHAT?!" you yelled a bit "how ?" you asked as he just finished cleaning and wrapping your hand "Well duh i could feel your pain" he chuckles wrapping your hand lightly with a happy smile.

he hugs you gently " i'll keep you safe now, and i'm sorry for the rough childhood, kinda unpog i know" he jokes, you couldn't help but smile and laugh with him "well Mr. Soulmate what is your name" you asked looking up at him, he placed the fur over your shoulder "Luca kaneshiro, at your service" you smiled even brighter " nice to meet you Luca, im (Y/N) (L/N)" your stomach filled with butterflies from saying his name. You were glad to know you had someone now, someone to stay by your side. (and even better he's loaded $$$) 

He takes you to his huge home letting you stay for the night " welcome to your new home (Y/N)" he smiles holding your hand, "no i cant this is your ho-" he cuts me off,  a grin on his lips "Nope, what's mine is yours~". You couldn't hold onto your emotions, your eyes started to water knowing your life will get better, your family will have
a better life.Your Fatherwill get better, your sibling can get a better opportunity to learn at a splendid school."Thank you luca, thank you so much" you said in between sobs, he hugged you tightly rubbing your back letting you cry all you want "i'm here for you now, you don't need to suffer alone anymore"he kissed your forehead as you fell asleep in his arms from crying.  As you rested, Luca got some of his men to look into your background, as he read more, the more he felt sorry for letting you suffer alone, he wanted to make you happy.

Writer : Cypher
Editor: Yin

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