Act 2 - Our Overture

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One Week Later...

As I sat beside my mother, I was silent and didn't really know what to say. After my mom had been busy for the past while, she decided to pick me up in her car from where I was spending my day free from school so we could talk on the way home. And while I'm certainly not against that, I can never really guess what to say, and let her take the lead.

"Y/n, how have things been going at your new school?" she asked, breaking the silence

"Pretty good, I've been getting along well with some of my classmates, and I've gotten the hang of the school's layout." I said

"And at their drama club?" she said

"Things have been good. They had finished their last performance right before I transferred so we're just doing general practice right now, but I'll be sure to tell you when we start up a new one." I said

"When the time comes I expect your skill to be able to be chosen for the lead almost immediately." Mom said "I'll be there at your next performance, and if I don't believe you've improved since your last performance, you'll be returning to Siegsburg."

"Right." I said, a knot forming in my stomach. Part of why I transferred to Nijigasaki was because I was able to convince her to let me attend the school I wanted rather than the theater focused school she put me in, saying that I'd still be improving like she wanted.

"I'm sorry if I seem harsh to you, but you need to understand that I was brought into acting by my father, and so I want our family legacy to be in the theater." Mom said

"Right Mom." I said "But could you please pull over? I'm feeling carsick and will just get some fresh air and walk the rest of the way home."

"Alright." Mom said before pulling over and letting me out.

As I sighed, I started to walk down the street, deciding that since there was a park nearby, maybe I should take a path through there for a change of pace and deal with my emotions.

As I headed through the park, I saw that off in the distance was a familiar silhouette and voice, and so I figured I might as well come by and say hello.

"Y'know, I didn't expect to see you practicing here" I said, walking towards her and causing Shizuku to turn to face me.

"Oh hello L/n, I didn't expect to see you here either." Shizuku said "I was just getting in a little more practice before I started to head home."

"C'mon, you don't need to bother with the formalities." I said, smiling at her, "Y/n is good enough for me."

"Right, thank you Y/n." Shizuku said

"Still, you're such a hard worker, there's the stuff with the drama club and I heard you're in the idol club, and even with your time taken up by that you still spend even more time practicing. I kinda wish I had that level of work ethic." I said

"I really love all of it, and I want to do well in both, so I have to work hard." Shizuku said

"I get you, but still, don't forget to give yourself a break occasionally." I said

Shizuku giggled and said "You sound like a certain someone from my idol club."

"It's the truth after all." I responded "But in any case, what do you do when you aren't practicing for anything?"

"I'll read scripts and go to see plays, or watch DVDs of dramas and movies, and I can't forget going to take Ophelia on a walk." Shizuku said

"I see." I responded, smiling as I thought to myself about how brightly Shizuku's passions shine. "And I take it Ophelia is a dog?"

Shizuku's smile grew and said "Yeah, she's a dear part of my family, and I love her so much. I have pictures if you'd like to see what she looks like."

"I'd love to. I have a dog myself named Greta, and she's incredibly important to me." I said, pulling out my phone since I figured she'd want to see something of my dog too.

"Here she is, she's a golden retriever." Shizuku said, holding her phone out to me, showing me a picture of a golden retriever with a red collar who was running towards the camera with a ball in her mouth.

"She's so cute!" I said "She looks like she's got a ton of energy."

"She does, but she's always so good and waits to head outside before letting it out." Shizuku said

"Here's a picture of my Greta." I said, holding out my phone, showing a picture of a white, bearded dog with a purple collar, sitting upright on the couch and looking at the camera.

"She looks really cute, and I don't think I've seen a bearded dog before, what breed is she?" Shizuku asked

"She's a schnauzer, and the biggest couch potato." I said

Shizuku giggled and said "She sounds really lovely."

"Maybe we should go on a walk with the two of them sometime" I suggested

"That sounds great, but I live pretty far away, so it can be hard to travel with a big girl like her." Shizuku said

"I get you." I said "So where exactly do you live?"

"I actually live in Kamakura." Shizuku said

"Wait really? Whoa, that's quite the train ride, is it?" I asked

"Yeah, it's about an hour between them, but when I visualize my plays or live shows, it seems to go by so much quicker." Shizuku said

"You really are amazing, you know that? I mean I don't know you the best yet, but that's at least how it seems to me." I said "And I mean maybe I'm just seeing things, but I'd love it if we could hang out sometime."

Shizuku smiled at me and said "Thanks Y/n. And that'd be great."

The two of us talked for a while longer before we both decided we should be heading our separate ways so we can get home at a reasonable time. However, as we headed our separate ways, I couldn't help but look forward to seeing her again soon. I mean I feel like she may be the first real friend I've made since I came to Nijigasaki, and I hope I can support her in the future.


A/n: In a play, an overture takes place after the lights go on, but before the curtains rise, and so I felt it was appropriate here both now, and in the context of the next chapter. But anyways, I just wanna real quick mention that I really like how passionate Shizuku gets when she's talking about the things she enjoys

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