Act 12 - Curtain Call

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As I stepped off of the train into Kamakura station, I stretched my body, letting out a small yawn as I did so, before a smile growing on my face, and looking out at the horizon in front of me. It took me a while, but after taking a break year from school before entering college, I finally have an idea of what I want to do in the future. But before I can go off and plan for the future, there's a couple of people I want to see, one more than anyone else.

As I walked through the town, I looked out towards the direction of the park, and Shizuku's home. While I was on the train ride over here I asked her what she was up to, and she said she was in her room studying for her finals, which will be next week, so she should still be there.

The closer I got to where she lived, the more excited I was to see her in person again. I mean we've talked over the phone pretty regularly, but it's been so long since I've actually seen her in person.

As I got to the front door to her family home I rang the doorbell, and after a minute a mature woman answered the door with a confused look on her face. As she looked at me, she said "Yes?"

"You're Mrs. Osaka, right? Could you please tell Shizuku that Y/n is here?" I said

Her eyes widened with understanding after I said my name "Oh, so you're Y/n. Of course I can tell her that."

Mrs. Osaka headed back inside, and a moment later Shizuku was at the door, who I welcomed into my arms as she reached me.

"Y/n! Why didn't you tell me that you were coming back?" Shizuku said, smiling

"I figured I'd surprise you, and it looks like it worked out pretty well." I said

Shizuku took a hold of my hands before she leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips before she said to me with a small blush as she said "I've really missed doing that."

"Funny, I was gonna say the same." I said

"So how was your break from school? You said you picked a couple different jobs up, right?" Shizuku said

"Yeah, and I also realized that a normal job just really is not for me." I said "So hey, it looks like we'll be able to get into college together. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty happy to think about that."

"I'm definitely looking forward to it, but I have to admit I will miss performing on stage with you." Shizuku said

"I feel the same, but I'm pretty happy with focusing on playwriting instead from now on." I said "But to be honest, I'm looking forward to spending our future together in general, and so while I know this is sudden since we just saw each other again, but I just want you to know that I love you, and was wondering: would you'd make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

As I said those final words, I pulled a silk box out of my pocket and opened it in front of her, revealing a small diamond ring. It isn't much, but this small symbol of my love for Shizuku is something I hope that she'll accept.

Shizuku covered her mouth with her hands in her surprise before she said "Even if it is sudden, of course I'll marry you Y/n. There's nobody I'd want to marry more than you."

My heart bursting with joy, I reached out and held Shizuku close before I took her hand and slid the ring onto her finger. "I love you Shizuku, and I always will." I said, staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you too Y/n." Shizuku said

"Now I'd love to go on a walk and spend the evening with you before I head back to my dad's place in Tokyo, but I feel like lugging around my luggage would ruin the mood, so would you mind if I put my stuff in your entryway" I asked, a little annoyed at myself for needing to ask.

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