Act 10 - Winging It

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Shizuku's Perspective

Two Months Later...

As I sat in the cafeteria, eating lunch with Yuu, Ai, Kasumi, and Ayumu, I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out to see that Y/n had sent me a message which showed he had the book that after he told me about it I had asked to borrow.

As I typed my response, telling him I'd meet him after club activities, I heard Kasumi say "Hey Shizuko, are you going to be at practice today? Or are you going to be at the drama club?"

"Oh, today I'm going to be at the idol club with you all." I said "The drama club isn't going to be too busy for a while since we just finished our latest performance."

"Then I guess you won't be spending as many afternoons with your boyfriend, huh?" Kasumi said teasingly

"Huh? That's not the biggest issue, we meet up during breaks occasionally, and when I don't have anything planned with you all, he walks with me to the station." I said, blushing slightly

"I'm so glad that you and Y/n are so happy together." Ayumu said

Yuu then said "That reminds me, wasn't he supposed to move to Kyoto but ended up resisting so he could stay? Has he talked about how he's been since then?"

"Yeah, apparently there were some difficulties in the time immediately after, but things are back to normal for him." I said. I haven't mentioned the situation between Y/n and his mother to them before since that's Y/n's to talk about, but apparently Y/n was able to get into contact with his father, who lived in Ginza, and he's moved in with him. Although I remember that Y/n a couple times vented to me about his mother making it hard for him to get the rest of his stuff since she was mad he had defied her. I can't help but feel like his mother sounds like a villain from a story.

"That's good to hear. Maybe I should come talk to him some time between classes, that way I can get a better understanding of what your boyfriend is like." Ai said

"He seems like a pretty good person from what I've seen." Yuu said

As the five of us talked, eventually lunch came to an end, and we headed back to our classes.


Y/n's Perspective

As I stood in the school courtyard, waiting to meet up with Shizuku, I stood and read on my phone. I've never been too knowledgeable about idol stuff in the past, but I want to cheer Shizuku on even more and so I thought I'd check out a Q&A that she's done a month or two before I transferred to Nijigasaki and was posted online. As I got to somebody asking her about her dream, I felt a smile grow on my face as she got flustered and tried to explain her answer.

However, soon after I read it, I heard somebody coming my way and looked up to see Shizuku headed my way, which considering the timing gave me an idea to maybe tease her a little. I held my phone where it was and said "Hey there beautiful."

"Hey Y/n, so what were you doing while you waited for me?" Shizuku asked

"Oh I was just reading a Q&A you did in the past. I just finished reading what your dream is actually." I said, looking back to what was written: Oh, umm, ah, er... well, s-someday I'd like to be a mom, and if I could let my child see a play I'm acting in... I'd be very happy. I've thought something like that once in a while. N-not that anything like that is going to happen soon! Oh gosh, my face is red... (A/n: That was written in an actual Q&A done for Shizuku)

Shizuku started to blush as she realized what I was talking about. "Geez, I remember how embarrassed I got when they asked me that, and it's even more embarrassing that you've seen it..."

I put my phone away and walked closer to her, where I took a hold of her hand and said "Hey, I can get why'd you be embarrassed by it, but if it's a dream of yours I'm not gonna judge. It just means you have more of an idea of what you want for the future." I mean she certainly has more than me, I don't really have any ideas beyond that I want to be with Shizuku. Back when everything was decided for me by my mom I didn't have to think about that, but now I do, and so I'm finally gotta start to figure that out myself.

"Oh really? Then what dreams do you have?" Shizuku asked

I shrugged and said "I honestly don't have any right now besides wanting to stay with you, and maybe keep doing something in the theater. I kinda gotta keep figuring it out from there."

Shizuku giggled and took a hold of my hand and then said "Well then, maybe we should keep dreaming together."

I smiled gently back to her and said "I like the sound of that."

We spent a while longer talking together before I walked her to the station, hand in hand. I still need to figure out my future, but with how much better my life has become since I met Shizuku, I know the one thing I want the most is to stay beside Shizuku, and dream of our futures together.

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