Act 4 - Shizuku in The Limelight

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Three Weeks Later...

As the weekend passed, I sat on my bed, Greta laying with me, and watched whatever videos in my feed interested me, when I got a text from Shizuku: I have a live scheduled for next week, I hope you'll be there.

I smiled and texted her back: Of course, I'll be there. Will I see you there?

After a few minutes I saw she had responded: Sure, I'd love to see you after. I'll introduce you to someone dear to me from the club

Me and Shizuku texted back and forth for a while, talking about when and where her live was, as well as where we'll meet up afterwards. In the end, after we stopped talking, I stretched out on the bed and excitedly wondered what kind of song she would be singing, only sure that when it came to the role of idol, Shizuku would be as astounding and perfect for it as she is for all of her roles.


One Week Later...

As I headed to the venue where Shizuku was going to be performing as one of the idols, I had music playing in my earbuds, but as I saw a crowd up ahead, I knew I'd found the spot and took them out before heading further in. I tried to weave my way through the crowd to get closer to the front, but after a certain point, it was too tight of a squeeze to slip through, and figuring that this is just where I'd be watching her from, I shrugged. Before things actually began, I quickly sent her a text wishing her good luck, then got ready for things to begin.

After a bit, the event began and the first idol group stepped out. From there, different idol groups took their time on stage performing, until eventually it was Shizuku's turn. As Shizuku began to perform, I was blown away not only by how beautiful her voice was and how different her vibe seemed compared to while acting or in person, but by just how beautiful she looked up there. Shizuku is really amazing, and seeing this different side of her is so interesting, leaving me curious as to what other parts of her are there.


After the event came to an end, I stuck around until the crowd dispersed some before heading off to the place that we decided to meet, an empty clearing off to the east of where the live was held. As I got there, I sat down and leaned against a nearby tree while keeping an eye out for Shizuku. As I sat there, I watched the people around me walking by, their expressions and the way they moved, I'm not anywhere close to as good as Shizuku when it comes to this kind of thing, but I feel like keeping in mind the movements of others and that stuff could help with my acting.

However, since that wasn't anywhere near as interested as I thought, I started to get distracted and was beginning to zone out when I saw a brunette heading my way, and as I turned to look, I confirmed to myself that it was Shizuku, who was walking alongside a girl I've seen in the halls with black hair that fades to green at the tips that were in pigtails.

I stood up after I noticed them and said "Hey, you were really great up there Shizuku."

Shizuku smiled and said "Thanks Y/n." She then turned to the girl she came with and said "Yuu, this is my friend from the drama club, Y/n."

"Hey, it's nice to meet you." Yuu said

"You too." I responded

"That reminds me, you've been practicing for your next play, and I'll be sure to watch you two" Yuu said

"Thanks." Shizuku said "Since Y/n and I are the lead roles, I'm sure we'll be able to amaze you."

"Oh really? Well I'm looking forward to it." Yuu said

"So Yuu, what do you do in the idol club?" I asked, feeling like the upcoming play has taken up too much of my attention recently, and so I'd like to move the conversation to something else.

"I'm like the club's manager, I compose their songs and help them all out whenever I can." Yuu said

"Woah, I bet that's a ton of work." I said

"It can be, but I really love idols and want to support them all." Yuu said "And besides, they work way harder than I do."

"We're all really grateful for that, but we also wish you'd rely on us a bit more too. Ayumu especially thinks that." Shizuku said

"I guess you're right, thanks." Yuu said

"So, how about we go get something to eat? My treat after being blown away like that." I said "I mean I figure you're a bit drained after performing, huh Shizuku?"

"I'm a little hungry, but you don't have to pay for our food." Shizuku said

"Come on, I insist." I said, smiling at her. I just got my allowance for the month, so I'm more than able to pay for whatever.

In the end, after discussing where, the three of us left to go get something to eat, talking about idols and whatever else popped into our minds as we walked. Yuu definitely seems like somebody I'll be able to get along with in the future, but the thing clearest in my mind is that Shizuku is somebody who I deeply care about, even if we haven't been around each other for super long.


A/n: Like I announced fifteen minutes ago, in the next day or two I'll be publishing a side chapter based around a particular scene that I want to write for this fic but doesn't fit into any planned chapters. I hope you'll check it out!

Also, I don't really think I need to explain what in the limelight means in this context, so I won't, but if you really need me to, tell me

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