Act 8 - A Tragedy Waiting in The Wings

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Two Months Later...

As I walked around the dog park with Shizuku and her dog, Ophelia, I couldn't help but smile at how amazing my life has felt recently. My relationship with Shizuku has been going really strong, I've been having a good time and have made some friends in the drama club, and my mom has been staying off of my back about me being her stupid legacy. And because of it all, the weight of expectations have felt so much lighter than they have ever felt. I feel like I'm free for the first time in a long time.

I lightly squeezed Shizuku's hand and said "Hey, thank you for entering my life and making it all the better. I love you, you know?"

Shizuku smiled and said "I love you too Y/n, but what brought this up?"

"It's nothing, I've just been thinking about how much better my life has gotten lately." I said

I felt Shizuku squeeze my hand lightly back and said "I'm happy to hear that, you've made my life even more fun than it already was, and I'm so happy that we can enjoy peaceful days like this."

As we walked, my phone rang and as I pulled it out, I saw that I was being called by my mom. I felt a sinking sensation as I answered the phone and said "Yes Mom?"

"Where are you right now? Head home right away, I have news for you." she said quickly and sharply, her tone making sure I knew she wasn't asking me to, but was ordering me to.

I sighed and said "Alright, I'll head home but it'll be a couple of hours. I was spending the day with someone in Kamakura."

"What?" Mom said. I then heard a sigh followed by "Fine, just get on the next train."

"Got it. Bye." I said, abruptly hanging up on her.

"So your mother just called? Why do you seem so upset about that?" Shizuku asked

"Let's just say that my relationship with my mom isn't exactly great." I said, "She's been controlling my life and what I've done for such a long time."

"What do you mean?" Shizuku asked

Figuring that if I could confide in anyone, it'd be Shizuku, I let out a sigh and said "My mom has been so focused on the idea of creating a legacy of her and her child both being accomplished actors that she put me into acting classes back when I was six. It's a good thing I always liked acting, otherwise I don't think I would be in a very good state right now." I won't let my mom's ego ruin that for me.

"Then why don't you talk to her and try and gain that freedom?" Shizuku asked

"She's always been so focused on herself that there is no way I can change her mind. Besides, it's not like I have anything of my own that I can use to force her to listen and consider my choice." I said "As long as I can still stay beside you and love you, I'm fine to cherish the few choices I do get and will just deal with her expectations."

Shizuku nodded to me and said "If that's what you want to do, alright. But just know that if you ever decide to go against her expectations, I'll be right beside you, supporting you."

"I know, thanks Shizuku." I said. I'm seriously lucky to have ended up with her.

In the end, I walked to the station with Shizuku and Ophelia, the two of us talking about a lighter subject than my mother while we walked, so we could at the very least enjoy this last part of our date before we head our separate ways.


As I got home and stepped through the front door, I was greeted by my dog, Greta, before heading to the living room, where my mom is probably waiting for me. As I walked in the room, I saw her sitting in her recliner, a smug, self-satisfied expression on her face.

"Alright Mom, I'm here." I said

"It took you long enough." she said "But that's not important right now, I have big news for you!"

"Yes? What is it?" I asked

"Well after your last performance, I've decided that your acting skills are good enough that after pulling some strings, I've been able to get you your first professional acting job!" she said "And since if you're already a professional actor you won't be needing any extra education, I'm going to take you out of school."

"What? Mom, even if that's the case, I don't want to quit school. I have friends there, and besides, the only reason I was able to perform so well was because the girl who was the main heroine had just become my girlfriend." I said. I don't want to lose my school life, where I'm more free than any other time, and I don't have to worry about the dumb expectations Mom has for me.

"You have a girlfriend? Well that's news to me. But still, I'm sorry Y/n, but I'm not changing my mind. Besides, you'll be able to find new friends closer to where the filming of the show is." Mom said

"What do you mean?" I said

"Well I'm sorry, but we'll be moving to Kyoto so that you'll be able to get to filming without having to worry about long train rides." she said

"Come on Mom, don't do this to me!" I snapped. Am I really going to lose my current life?

"I'm not changing my mind, young man!" she said in a hostile tone, her face growing flush with anger "When you are the one who has paid to keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach for sixteen years, you can make your own choices, but until then I will not be having you second guessing me. Am I understood?"

As I tried to argue with my mother, I realized that I really wasn't going to be able to make her give in, least of all because she won't give me a moment to get a word in edgewise. I haven't been able to get in contact with my dad in the year since he divorced mom, so it's not like I can try to get him to talk some sense into her either. I really have no choice but to accept this. Well I guess at the very least me and Shizuku are going to be long distance for a while, but it's not like I won't be able to come visit her on the weekends, right?

"Yes mother." I said quietly, in that moment, so frustrated by my lack of power.

"Good." she said

I then stood back up and left the room, a knot in my stomach and upset as I headed back to my room, where I quickly dropped onto the bed. After feeling so amazing this afternoon, I feel so empty and mad right now. There's got to be something I can do, right?

In the end I laid in my bed for a while as I calmed down before I reached for my phone and called Shizuku. As the ringer went off, it felt like it was an eternity before Shizuku responded. But in the end, after a couple minutes, I heard a "Yes?"

I took a deep breath and said "Shizuku, after what my mom told me, it sounds like our relationship may end up long distance for a while."

"What? How come?" Shizuku said

"After that last performance, she's decided that I'm ready for her to pull out of school and have started professionally acting." I said "The biggest problem is that she is insisting we move to Kyoto since that's where filming is."

"Well surely there is something we can do about this, right? We need to talk to her and maybe we can convince her otherwise." Shizuku said

"I tried, but in the end I never was able to get her to listen." I said "I'll still be able to come and visit when I'm free, but it's still going to be a pain to be so far apart."

"I guess that's true. But being able to see you every day has been such a light in my life, and I'm going to miss it." Shizuku said

"I'm gonna miss it too." I said "I love you Shizuku."

"I love you too Y/n." Shizuku said

The two of us spent a while longer talking on the phone, hearing her voice helping me overcome the frustration at how I'm losing my freedom, and the part of my life I've been treasuring so dearly. Still, I'm not going to give up quite yet, I have a week until we're leaving, and in that time I'm going to try and find some way stop this, and keep the life where I get to stay beside Shizuku.

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