Act 7 - Winging It and Going with The Flow

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One Week Later...

As I stretched out on a park bench, I watched the clock to make sure I wouldn't end up losing track of time and would be able to get where I'm meeting up with Shizuku in time. After all, I have my first real date with Shizuku as lovers today, and I don't want to mess things up somehow. Although to be fair, right after confessing to each other, it was kind of embarrassing for both of us to realize that even though we thought the rest of the drama club were preoccupied and wouldn't notice our confession, the president and a couple others had noticed. I mean they were happy for us, but it was still kind of embarrassing.

Eventually it was about time, and so I got up and headed towards the park fountain, where we had agreed to meet up. As I got there, I saw Shizuku up ahead, her dress fluttering slightly from the wind. I actually got here early, so I'm surprised to see that she had already arrived.

"Hey Shizuku, I'm here." I said "I hope I didn't cause you to wait too long."

"I actually just got here myself." Shizuku said, smiling as she turned to face me

"Oh really? Then I guess we're better synced than I thought." I said, trying to ignore that on top of her head was a wing shaped seed from the tree above her. It'll probably fall off on its own, but just in case, I took a step forward and gave Shizuku a hug, subtly grabbing the seed and dropping it beside her. I was really looking forward to our date, but if she was here way before me, that makes me wonder what time she started the long train ride from Kamakura to Odaiba.

"I guess so. Now, how about we get going?" Shizuku said, holding her hand out to me

"Of course, we don't want to be late after all." I said, taking a hold of her hand.

After the unfortunate way our last outing went, we ended up deciding together that for today we'll do a couple things for sure and after that we'll go and do whatever else catches our interest until we decide to head our separate ways. First on our plans was to catch a musical from a group that she's been really enjoying recently and she was hoping to share some of that enthusiasm to me. And so I happily took her hand and walked alongside her as we headed towards where the musical was being performed.


"Y/n, what do you think of this?" Shizuku asked, holding up a necklace.

"Oh yeah, that's nice." I said

In the end, we ended up really enjoying that musical and then enjoyed a lunch together at the cafe we went to on our last outing. The musical was about four people traveling the world, restoring light to the magical crystals that strengthen their world. The characters and music were amazing, and while I wasn't completely sure about the story, the final plot twist completely took both of our breath away and drew us in completely. And the cafe was just as amazing as the last time we went there, with a really comfortable atmosphere to the place and great coffee.

Now, since Shizuku had found out where that trinket shop Shizuku wanted to show me had moved to, we decided that we'd go check it out today. And while I'm typically not one to give this kind of place too much time, I feel like it's perfect to find a gift for Shizuku. They got plenty of jewelry here, and it looks like there are things that catch Shizuku's attention, so why wouldn't I get her something?

As I looked around alongside her, I saw her gaze turn to a wood case with different rings held in place with foam. While some were more simple without any significant details, others were signet rings or rings with jewels in them. While Shizuku was distracted, I picked up a silver ring with a clear stone with a light blue tint embedded in it. I can't really ask Shizuku her ring size otherwise it'd ruin the surprise, but I tried to guess based off of how wide her fingers felt in my hand, and this looked like it was right, and so before we left, I quickly purchased the ring while Shizuku wasn't looking.


When we eventually decided that it was getting late and we should be heading our separate ways soon, we headed back to the train station. As we arrived, I took a deep breath and said "I guess this is it for the day. Call you later?"

"I'd love that." Shizuku said

"Oh by the way, one more thing before you board: close your eyes for a minute." I said

"Okay, why?" Shizuku said, smiling as she closed her eyes. I then took Shizuku's left hand and pulled out the ring I bought her before sliding it onto her ring finger, a perfect fit. When she opened her eyes and saw the ring on her finger, I saw that beautiful smile of hers grow "You got this for me?"

"Of course I did, I want to try and spoil my girlfriend. I saw you looking over the rings, and I figured this one would look best on you." I said "And I think I was right."

Shizuku smiled warmly and held the hand the ring was on closer to her chest and looked at it "I love it Y/n, thank you."

"Just doing what I wanna do as your boyfriend." I responded, smiling

Shizuku then gave me a hug, and as we embraced, she brought her lips to mine and we kissed. Even though we probably could've gotten away with actually kissing while performing Porcelain Moon, to make sure that kissing each other stayed special, we agreed to hold off from doing that, so that we weren't just kissing because we could. Although I can't deny that I love kissing Shizuku.

After our hug ended, Shizuku left to catch her train ride home and I turned to head home myself, a spring in my step from my wonderful day with Shizuku.


A/n: Sorry that this was a day late, life's been happening and it's been making it harder to sit down and focus, but still, I'm gonna keep trying to make all of these chapters as enjoyable as they can be for you folks, so please stick around for more to come

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