Act 6 - Opening Night

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One Week Later...

As the drama club scrambled, doing our final preparations for our first performance of Porcelain Moon, I finished getting myself ready, wearing simple brown pants and a green surcoat, like a hunter during the setting of our play would wear. As I quickly confirmed that I was entirely ready, I stepped out of where I had been changing, ready to perform. Apparently my mother is going to be here to watch me perform tonight, and so I need to do the best I can for this. As I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself, I saw Shizuku headed my way, wearing a simple blue dress that peasants would have worn in medieval times. As she looked at me, she smiled and said "Y/n, I know this is our first time performing together, but there's something I want to tell you. But I'm embarrassed to put these feelings into words, and so I hope that while performing together I'll be able to share them with you. And when you find them, I'd love if afterwards you would give me your response"

"Alright, is there any scene in particular you mean?" I asked

Shizuku blushed slightly, and with a small smile said "I'm sure you'll be able to tell once I have."

"Well then, I look forward to it

"Alright everybody, curtain's up in five!" the president called out.

I nodded and stretched out as I said "Well then, I guess it's showtime."


As the play went on, Shizuku was absolutely amazing, and I did what I could to keep up, but I hadn't noticed any scene that I picked up any extra emotion from Shizuku. But as we reached the climax of the story, where my character had charged off into the night to save Shizuku's from her kidnappers armed with a spear stolen from the town guards, I held the spear at attention as I looked at Shizuku.

"I'm glad I was able to get here in time, and I doubt I'd be able to forgive myself otherwise.. Are you alright Celia?" I said, holding a hand out to Shizuku with a reassuring smile on my face

Shizuku, instead of taking my hand, instead ran up and hugged me, wrapping her arms around me below mine. "Oh Roland, thank you for saving me." She then stepped away and put her hands on my cheeks before she leaned up and kissed me, but rather than the fake kiss she was supposed to give me, it was real. Her lips felt so soft against mine, and thankfully I was able to stop my mind from blanking. She then began to speak again, a blush and a smile on her face as she said "Roland, since I've met you, I've stopped yearning for my crown and my kingdom. I no longer need jewels and servants, the only thing I want is for you to be beloved. I only desire to be with you forever, even if I must sacrifice my crown."

Shizuku's performance here is on another level than usual here! I guess this is what she meant earlier, and she means... I masked those feelings for the moment and gave Shizuku a smile as I said "Celia, I love you too. Rather than cursing my past actions, I've come to realize that my training as a knight will never be used to kill for any lord again, and I shall only ever be used to protect you, my beloved."

If Shizuku really is in love with me, I'm happy and I want to tell her that, but for now I'll just focus on making this performance great alongside Shizuku, who I have no doubt is putting every ounce of practice to use in this performance.


After the performance came to an end and the curtain fell, I let out a yawn, and while everybody talked amongst themselves, I stepped off to the side, and Shizuku joined me over there.

There was a moment of silence between us, as I felt myself starting to blush, and looking at Shizuku, she was blushing too.

"Y/n, I-"

"Shizuku, I-"

"Er, sorry" I said. We both started at the same time, and went quiet at the same time. "Go ahead."

"R-right." Shizuku said "Y/n, I wanted to know if you had a response about my feelings."

"Yeah, I do." I said "But I'm honestly blown away that you would feel that way about me. I mean, you're way out of my league. But still, I'm really happy to find out you have feelings for me. I love you Shizuku."

I saw Shizuku let out a sigh of relief as she smiled and said "I'm so glad. I really love you Y/n, and I want you to be my one and only, always."

"Of course I will, I want to be with you for a long time to come." I said, taking a hold of Shizuku's hand, "I want to say this one more time, I love you."

Shizuku took my hand and hugged me, and as she did so, I leaned forward and gave her a kiss for the one she gave to me earlier. I guess the two of us are entering a relationship now, and while I don't know how smoothly things will play out at points, I at least know I'm gonna cherish the moments I have with her.

And even later that night, as I laid in my bed, thinking about the past day and wondering about the future, I could still feel the sensation of her lips.

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